Fiscal Self-Care

Fiscal Self-Care

Self-care can be described as incorporating practices that increase our mental, physical and spiritual wellness. It’s about taking time to reflect on the parts of your life that leave you feeling drained or overwhelmed, and taking action steps to lower your stress and increase your well-being.

Practicing self-care can often take a back seat to the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. We can forget how important it is to make sure we nurture ourselves so that we can show up as our best selves for those that are counting on us-as the saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup!”

Financial self-care is no different! By taking a few steps you can begin to re-nourish your perspective about your money mindset and increase your overall sense of wellness.

Here are some steps you can take to begin the practice of self-care with your finances:

  • Take some quiet time to reflect on your short-and long-term goals. How are your financial decisions supporting these goals? How can you change your approach to making financial decisions to facilitate these goals?
  • Try using new self-talk about your approach to money: stifle that inner critic!
  • Instead of saying, “I am bad with money,” try saying, “I am learning more about how to manage my money.”
  • Rather than “I can’t afford it,” try saying,” This is not in my current spending plan.”
  • Replace, “I’ll never be able to (go on vacation, get out of debt, purchase a home) with, “I am learning to make financial decisions the will help me reach my financial goals.”
  • Make a Money Journal: this can help serve as a place to dream and reflect on the positive steps you are taking in increasing your financial wellness!
    • Use one section for your goals and dreams. Use pictures that will give you a visual reminder of what you want your money to do for you!
    • Label another section for tracking your financial decisions. Pay close attention to how you were feeling when you made those decisions! Were you spending extra to make up for some negative emotion that you were experiencing? What did you purchase? How much did this cost you fiscally and emotionally?
    • Make a section for giving yourself an “Atta Girl” moments: have you decided not to spend and actually put that money into a savings account? Make sure you give yourself recognition for taking a step towards your savings goals. Give yourself some gold stars!
  • Reward Yourself! We have all been conditioned to be rewarded for doing something well. I am a strong believer in rewards! Find ways of rewarding yourself without sabotaging your budget or your goals! Make a list of affordable rewards so that you (and your family) can feel rewarded without derailing the positive steps you have been taking with your money.

Self-care is vital to a holistic approach to our lives! Financial self-care will enhance all areas of your life mind, body, and spirit! By incorporating these tips, you will feel an increased sense of optimism about your future, and new-found confidence in your financial wellbeing!

Releasing Anchors to Help You Soar

Releasing Anchors to Help You Soar

Releasing Anchors to Help You Soar

Do you want to soar in the New Year? As we say hello to a New Year, it’s a great time to release anchors and things that may be holding us back.  It’s a time to reflect upon the things we learned in the past year and the ways we grew.  A time to set new intentions and goals.  A time to forgive and leave some things in the past.  It’s a time to see what habits helped us and which ones did not serve us well.  It’s a time for cleansing, growth, and creation.

While on a business trip over the summer, one of my mentors referenced the concept of anchors and wings.  This stuck with me for a while and it’s something I’ve incorporated into my every day. Something I am focusing on more as we move into a New Year.  It’s the concept of those things that weigh us down and the ones that help us rise and soar.

Where in your life do you see anchors?  They can come in many forms.  It may be a toxic relationship or a bad habit that you haven’t let go of yet.  Maybe it’s the clutter or noise that comes into your personal space or your mindset.  It may be time wasted or time not spent well.  Holding onto those moments where someone hurt you or past failures may be another example.

When we think of nature, think of the reasons why birds are able to spread their wings and fly.  They are able to gracefully soar because they are light and don’t have things weighing them down.  Imagine if you could soar in 2019 with less weight on your back (or in your mind).

As you reflect on where you have come, where you are and where you want to go, think of changes and adjustments that may help you soar higher.


The things we think about often manifest into reality.  How would you view your perspective on life?  Do you find yourself being sucked into drama and negativity?  Do you choose to look at life with gratitude and joy?  The outcome of the two can deliver completely different results.  In 2018, my “one word” was JOY.  It helped me to view things from a different perspective throughout the year.  I also started each day with gratitude and wrote down things I was grateful for, who I would reach out to, how I wanted to serve and better show up in the world.  I recommend looking at how you receive things and what changes you can make to better serve you each day.


We all have the same hours in the day.  This is something we have heard many times and it’s true!  So, how are you spending your time?  Do you feel like you’re using it wisely?  Do you think there are adjustments that can be made to help you soar more?  Are you filling your time with things that are weighing you down?  Things that help you to find happiness, passion, fulfill your dreams and goals and also help you grow.


The past often runs into our present for many reasons.  This may be due to past choices that did not serve us well.  This may be a past relationship that hurt or someone you were with who wronged you.  Whatever it may be, forgiving, learning and moving forward will help you soar.  How we feel about people or experiences of our past can make for heavy anchors.  So many things happen for reasons and ones we sometimes don’t see.  As you move into 2019, what from your past can you let go of, forgive or consider as a lesson and tool to help you soar?

Looking for a resource to help you with the mind/body connection of healing?  This book may help: The Healing Code


This is a big one and something that often can weigh us down.  Consider the people in your life right now.  Do you surround yourself with those who support you, encourage you to soar, help you to show up as the best version of yourself?  This is a big one that I learned in 2018.  I spent the past year cultivating healthy relationships, surrounding myself with GIANTS, created boundaries and said goodbye to things that were not serving me well.  Depending on your situation and relationship, making adjustments may be hard or easy.  Figure out what works for you.  If it’s not serving you well, maybe it’s time to say goodbye or at least create a healthy boundary.


Our lifestyle plays a big part in how much we soar and show up.  I look at life and the wellness wheel from a holistic perspective.  Considering relationships, spirituality, career, movement and exercise, nutrition and nourishment.  Looking at your wellness wheel, what seems off-balanced?  Which category (or categories) can you nurture more to better serve you?  What bad habits and choices are a part of your world that may serve you better to let go of?


The start of a New Year is a great time to reflect on your habits.  Good and bad, we all have habits that are holding us back, weighing on our mind, creating unhealthy energy and don’t serve us well.  This could be anything from keeping clutter, hitting your snooze button many times, eating for unhealthy reasons, spending too much time on social media and more.  I encourage you to reflect on the habits in your life.  What can you let go of and which ones may serve you better?


I want to focus on this topic because it’s something that affects so many and holds people back.  Fear is important for survival.  We have a fear of falling or being hurt.  Yet, fear holds us back and keeps us complacent for many reasons.  We fear failure, success, what people think and more.  Do you feel like you’re living to your potential?  Does fear hold you back from doing so?  Where can you discover ways to grow, be courageous and take chances?  This isn’t referring to being dangerous to the extent of hurting or harming yourself and others.  This is about living outside of your comfort zone, taking chances, learning and growing!

Looking for some additional motivation and mindset shifting?  I’ve always loved the videos on Motivation Grid

So, what changes can be made?  What bad habits and toxicity can be eliminated or distanced?  What better things can be replaced to help us soar and succeed? Change is uncomfortable and not always easy.  Yet, sometimes change is exactly what we need to flourish, grow, become a better version of ourselves and SOAR.

Where do you feel the need to make a change?  I welcome you to comment below or share in a private message.  If you feel like you need additional support or accountability, I welcome you to contact me.

Kat’s Holiday Edition of the Miracle Morning

Kat’s Holiday Edition of the Miracle Morning

Kat’s Holiday Edition of the Miracle Morning

What is a Miracle Morning? It’s waking up early and going through an intentional self-care routine that provides relaxation, energy, and productivity all before the day even begins. To learn all about the basics of the Miracle Morning, check out my earlier blog. Now let’s dive into the holiday edition!

Hal Elrod, the author of The Miracle Morning, studied the best of the best in conscious self-care practices and found six to be the most powerful, especially when they are bundled together. He calls them the Life S.AV.E.R.S! Whether you do 6 minutes or 60 minutes a day, do one, all six, or any combination of the practices that is right for you, It will be like pumping Holiday Wholistic Health and Wellness fuel right into your mind, body, spirit, and heart.

Here are some ways to have a Miracle Morning and celebrate the holiday season:

Silence Start each day with quiet time. The idea is to quiet the mind, block out any chatter, and start the day with calm and loving thoughts, meditations, prayers, and breathing. The bible and an app called Calm are my regulars. Here’s a meditation for the season. There are many more online.

candle Affirmations Encouraging words you tell yourself to achieve your goals, overcome your fears, be healthy and happy, and live out your purpose.

Visualizations Imagine yourself doing each thing step by step that you need to do to accomplish your goals. Then imagine what it will feel like when you succeed. One of my favorites is the Holiday Bubble Technique: Give your seasonal dreams a lift off. Wrap your heart’s desire in an Imaginary Beautiful Holiday Bubble. Then send it out into the universe to be created for you.

  • Start by getting in a comfortable position and breathing.
  • Set your specific intention:
  1. Today what I want to manifest is____________________________.
  2. Now close your eyes, take 2 deep breathes, drop your shoulders, and open your mouth ever so slightly.
  3. Stating, Today I visualize …I see, hear and feel myself…See the scene unfolding in your minds eye, feel the emotion, joy, and elation as clearly and specifically as you can.
  4. Now take your Beautiful Holiday Bubble, and seal your vision deep inside it..
  5. Now let it go, watch it rise and float up, up, up, past the clouds, into the universe where you can no longer see it but TRUST it is there.
  6. Now say, I BELIEVE that this vision or something even better will now manifest for me and BELIEVE it is so!

For more information about the original Pink Bubble Technique, see the book Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain or go to this website:

Exercise It doesn’t have to be power lifting or long distance running. Just do something for a few moments to get the blood and oxygen flowing to the brain.  Why not wear some FUN holiday pants to work off all those yummy cookies while moving about to some holiday tunes? Jingle All the Way! fun pajamas Reading Fill your brain with books! One of my favorite stories at this time of the year is ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Volunteer to read to seniors, the sick, or children. I can tell you they would love it! And so would you! Christmas reading Scribing Holiday journaling or writing is a great way to process your thoughts and reflect on your life. Now is a great time to scribe about all those blessings you have received this year. letters; journal; write Miracle Mornings are an opportunity to start the day anew – a new day, a new page, and a new you, and you get to set the tone. And since that kind of energy is contagious, you will be spreading goodness into the world too. What a Wonderful World that would be. Sending LOVE to you all this Holiday Season and wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy 2019 and Many Miracle Mornings!

Today’s author: Kat Middleton is a Certified Professional Empowerment Coach and the founder and CEO of WholeHearted Concepts, LLC. She is available for one-on-one or group coaching as well as workshops and speaking events. She offers a FREE 30 Minute Session to anyone who is ready to get started. Learn more about her and what she offers at her website:

10 Tips for Healthy Travel

10 Tips for Healthy Travel

10 Tips for Healthy Travel

Traveling with friends and family is one of my favorite things to do! This summer has already been filled with a lot of travel and creating wonderful memories.

When I was in Ireland last month, I was overjoyed with the food options. Every meal consisted of fresh meats, fruits and veggies. There was fresh fish, farmers market goodies and so many options for those with food sensitivities. We walked a lot and I felt very healthy being there.

I know that’s not always the case, but there are many ways to modify or make healthy adjustments when traveling. Below are some of my top tips that I always incorporate when traveling and also share with my clients.

1.  Get plenty of sleep

With the different places I’ve traveled to so far this summer, sleep has been a challenge at times with different time changes. Due to that and the health benefits, I’ve made it a point to get tons of rest when I can. Depending on where you are traveling, things can be stressful. Running around the airport, long drive times and lack of sleep can all take a toll on the body. Make sure you get enough rest, especially around the days you will be traveling. I recommend shutting down electronics an hour before you plan to sleep. Breathing exercises can be beneficial too! For me, I find reading to be helpful. Find what works for you but make sure you make sleep a priority.

2.  Move and stretch

When I am on vacation or away on a trip, I like to move! This includes walking a lot and traveling with portable exercise equipment like bands.  You can also rent bikes, paddle boards (when on the water) and other outdoor equipment. When flying or driving long distances, take time for stretching. Whether it’s on the plane or at a gas station when stopping. Many places have daily passes at the gym or equipment in the hotel.  Again, find what works for you but make sure you incorporate movement and stretching.

3.  Hydrate

Hydration is very important! Especially when traveling. I usually carry an empty water bottle with me on the plane or bring water when traveling by vehicle. Staying hydrated is very important. Not only does it hydrate the body, but it helps with cooling the body down and detoxification.

4.  Keep it clean

Nutrition is usually something that I have down when it comes to travel. Over the years, I have learned what works for me, my own bio-individuality and my lifestyle.  That’s not to say that I never indulge or enjoy things. Especially when traveling to new places or trying new things, but I usually “keep it clean” because I feel better and have more energy when I eat well.

While vacationing or traveling, be mindful of things like alcohol, caffeine, sugar and processed foods. Traveling with a cooler and loading up at the farmers markets are great tips when traveling by vehicle. Preparing meals where you are staying helps to save money and provides healthier options.  When eating out, opt for a clean, lean protein source and lots of veggies.  Most restaurants are accommodating to substitutions and mindful of dietary restrictions. Many meals have large portion sizes, so I like to take leftovers home for another meal. You can always add some extra veggies from the market. Stocking up on fresh produce provides for snacking options too.

When traveling by plane, you are able to take snacks.  For more information, here is a link to the TSA site. TSA – What you can take on a plane

5.  Research restaurants

I love trying new restaurants and tasting new foods and dishes. Before visiting a restaurant that I’ve never been to before, I always look up the restaurant and menu. Most restaurants provide this online resource. I like to try places that have a variety of menu options.  When it comes to food, I always keep it simple. Don’t overcomplicate things!

Stick to the 80/20 or 90/10 rule. I am pretty good about sticking to clean eating, but if I want to try a new kind of wine or enjoy some cheese, I do so.  I know that some foods may deliver different symptoms hours or days later, but I am mindful of these things.  Instead of making excuses, I go right back to my clean eating and drink a lot of water.

6.  Choose activities that bring you joy

Whether you’re vacationing with friends, family or on a business trip, pick activities and adventures that you enjoy. If time allows, check out something new that you have never done before.  Being out of town provides a great opportunity to experience new things.

7.  Drop the guilt

As mentioned, traveling provides a great opportunity to try new things and experience different cultures. If you decide that you want to try an exciting new food or beverage, don’t carry guilt afterwards. The same goes if you decide to lounge on the beach all day. Vacations are a time to relax, enjoy and experience.  Balance is key!

8.  Take a healthy travel bag

When packing, consider a healthy travel bag. Check the TSA website and see if your items meet regulations. You can pack healthy snacks, breakfast options, water and clean products. Opt for chemical free products, especially when it comes to sunscreen.

9.  Supplements and Probiotics

Depending on your lifestyle, don’t forget to pack your supplements if you take them. Probiotics are especially beneficial when it comes to gut and overall health. If I know I am going to be indulging in some extra goodies, I bump up my water intake and probiotics. A lot of airports sell kombucha and many markets sell fermented foods.

10.  Pack a variety of clothing and shoe options

When traveling, make sure to pack comfortable and ventilated clothing. Especially if you will be on a plane or in a car for many hours. Taking comfortable or workout clothes will provide additional comfort and support when you’re on the move or working out.

I hope you found some of these tips to be helpful. Do you have any tips of your own that you have found work?  I welcome you to comment below.
Wishing you safe and happy travels!

Today’s author: Kim Wilson is a Certified Holistic Health Coach (CHC) and owns her own business, Kim Wilson, LLC, which specializes in empowering and educating women to get to the root of what’s going on with their own unique, individual body. She works with women one-on-one and coaches through online groups and programs. Learn more about Kim at her website, from her Facebook page, or find her on Instagram.

Learning and Expressing Compassion

Learning and Expressing Compassion

How do you have compassion for yourself or others? Do you speak to yourself the way you would speak to your best friend, or are you harsher on yourself? Coaches Carol, Laura, and Kelye explore the topic of compassion in this fourth podcast episode. Play in your browser with the media player below or click “WWR Coaches Discuss Compassion”.

WWR Coaches Discuss Compassion

The Miracle Morning

The Miracle Morning

Have you ever had one of those mornings where you felt rushed, frazzled, and frustrated?

How about the morning when the bed feels so good that you just can’t seem to get up and out of it?

I know I have.

If the morning is stressful, the day just seems to follow.

How did you wake up this morning?

How you awaken each day dramatically affects your success in every single area of your life. If you want to transform your life faster than you ever imagined possible, start by having a Miracle Morning!

What is a Miracle Morning, you ask?

It’s waking up early and going through an intentional self-care routine that provides relaxation, energy, and productivity all before the day even begins.

Hal Elrod, the author of The Miracle Morning, is an impressive man. After being declared dead for six full minutes following a car crash, he was revived in the air, and then stayed in a coma for several days. After waking up, he was told he would never walk again, but miraculously he healed.  Then with even more ups and downs in his rollercoaster life, he developed the miracle morning routine.

He said, “Remember, the moment you accept total responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you claim the power to change anything in your life.” 

Hal studied the best of the best in conscious self-care practices and found six to be the most powerful, especially when they were bundled together. He calls them the Life S.A.V.E.R.S.  He makes it clear that to become successful you have to dedicate time to personal development each day; he also gives us the six-step routine to create and shape that time.

Whether you do 6 minutes or 60 minutes a day, do one, all six, or any combination of the practices that is right for you. It will be like pumping Wholistic Health and Wellness fuel into yourself!

Mornings are an opportunity to start anew–a new day, a new page, and you get to set the tone. Self-care practices increase your health and wellness body, mind, heart, and spirit.

And since that kind of energy is contagious, you will be spreading goodness into the world too. Not a bad way to start the day and make a difference for the better in this world of ours. Here are the six steps to the Miracle Morning:


The idea is to quiet the mind, block out the chatter, and start the day with calm and loving thoughts. Meditation. Prayer. Breathing.


Encouraging words to tell yourself to achieve your goals, overcome fears, be healthy and happy and live out your purpose.


Imagine yourself doing each thing step-by-step that you need to do to accomplish your goals. Then imagine what it will feel like when you succeed.


It doesn’t have to be power lifting or long-distance running. Just do something for a few moments to get the blood and oxygen flowing to the brain.


Fill your brain with positive thoughts and ideas toward self-improvement. Absorb the knowledge of people who have accomplished the things you want to do.


Writing or journaling is a great way to process your thoughts and reflect on your life. It will help you become more self-aware and more articulate.

These daily rituals allow us to pause, contemplate, concentrate, and celebrate!

Lifesavers indeed!

If you want to learn more about the Miracle Morning, join us this Saturday, March 3, 2018, at Turf Valley for our BE CREATIVE event or read Hal Elrod’s book.

Miracle mornings are a powerful way to live the life of your dreams.


Today’s author: Kat Middleton is a professional certified coach and the founder and CEO of Wholehearted Concepts, LLC. Kat is a Professional Energy Empowerment and Self-Acceptance Coach who specializes in helping clients personally and professionally that struggle with inner doubt, perfectionism and being way too hard on themselves. She is available for private one-on-one coaching as well as group workshops, seminars, and speaking events. Learn more about her at her website: