Radical Love

Radical Love

It’s was my turn to write a blog. The pressure was on, but the words just wouldn’t come. Then a thousand words came but just didn’t fit together. Then it occurred to me to use the universal language we all understand, Music to help you better understand Radical Love. Here goes!


Waymaker, Miracle worker, Promise Keeper, light in the darkness, my God, that is who you are!

For me, it starts and stops with Faith, something greater than myself. A place always welcomed, loved, seen as a miracle, wanted, appreciated, guided, and challenged. A place I can go to all the time or anytime I run out of my own strength. Here, I have someone to turn to. A power source I can plug into, pray to, believe in and feel energized from. It is the faith of my heart. A Miracle morning quiet time is my path to peace, focus, and power. A little tapping too, but that’s in another blog. What higher power is LOVE to you?


Learning to Love Yourself Is the Greatest Love of All. Houston teaches us about self-love and the epic journey to self-realization. Whitney said, ” I feel that the road to self-love is a deep, intricate and challenging journey, but one that will teach us about the meaning of a true, genuine, happy, and honest existence”.

Whitney struggled to embrace these words… However, she left us a powerful message of Love. “We must all learn how to love ourselves. It’s the only way we can save the world. We must equip our youth with the tools to create a better future for themselves and the next generation. We must teach our youth, and ourselves, the true meaning of self-love, The Greatest Love of All”.

Casey Musgraves’s song Rainbow is a message she wrote to herself and anyone else who is feeling any weight on their shoulders. She sings to us that there has always been a rainbow hanging over your head. Casey Musgrave tells us we are all exceptional indeed!

The Love of Others

Once we value ourselves, we can then value others, too.  Life, History, and COVID-19 has shown us how important this is. The Times They Are A-Changing said, Bob Dylan.

I couldn’t come up with just one song, so here is a medley of songs.  We genuinely do all need one another. We are truly interconnected.

Bruno Mars says You Can Count on Me

He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother

With a Little Help from My Friends

You’ve Got A Friend In Me from Toy Story

We Are family

People Who Need People

Radical Love

In closing, Love, Self-Love and Loving others all combine together and form Radical Love!

The final two songs today hopefully sum it up well.

What the World Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love!

Michael Jackson, and a variety of very talented artist sing We Are The WORLD!

Kat’s Holiday Edition of the Miracle Morning

Kat’s Holiday Edition of the Miracle Morning

Kat’s Holiday Edition of the Miracle Morning

What is a Miracle Morning? It’s waking up early and going through an intentional self-care routine that provides relaxation, energy, and productivity all before the day even begins. To learn all about the basics of the Miracle Morning, check out my earlier blog. Now let’s dive into the holiday edition!

Hal Elrod, the author of The Miracle Morning, studied the best of the best in conscious self-care practices and found six to be the most powerful, especially when they are bundled together. He calls them the Life S.AV.E.R.S! Whether you do 6 minutes or 60 minutes a day, do one, all six, or any combination of the practices that is right for you, It will be like pumping Holiday Wholistic Health and Wellness fuel right into your mind, body, spirit, and heart.

Here are some ways to have a Miracle Morning and celebrate the holiday season:

Silence Start each day with quiet time. The idea is to quiet the mind, block out any chatter, and start the day with calm and loving thoughts, meditations, prayers, and breathing. The bible and an app called Calm are my regulars. Here’s a meditation for the season. There are many more online.

candle Affirmations Encouraging words you tell yourself to achieve your goals, overcome your fears, be healthy and happy, and live out your purpose.

Visualizations Imagine yourself doing each thing step by step that you need to do to accomplish your goals. Then imagine what it will feel like when you succeed. One of my favorites is the Holiday Bubble Technique: Give your seasonal dreams a lift off. Wrap your heart’s desire in an Imaginary Beautiful Holiday Bubble. Then send it out into the universe to be created for you.

  • Start by getting in a comfortable position and breathing.
  • Set your specific intention:
  1. Today what I want to manifest is____________________________.
  2. Now close your eyes, take 2 deep breathes, drop your shoulders, and open your mouth ever so slightly.
  3. Stating, Today I visualize …I see, hear and feel myself…See the scene unfolding in your minds eye, feel the emotion, joy, and elation as clearly and specifically as you can.
  4. Now take your Beautiful Holiday Bubble, and seal your vision deep inside it..
  5. Now let it go, watch it rise and float up, up, up, past the clouds, into the universe where you can no longer see it but TRUST it is there.
  6. Now say, I BELIEVE that this vision or something even better will now manifest for me and BELIEVE it is so!

For more information about the original Pink Bubble Technique, see the book Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain or go to this website: http://www.freemeditations.com/pink_bubble_meditation.html

Exercise It doesn’t have to be power lifting or long distance running. Just do something for a few moments to get the blood and oxygen flowing to the brain.  Why not wear some FUN holiday pants to work off all those yummy cookies while moving about to some holiday tunes? Jingle All the Way! fun pajamas Reading Fill your brain with books! One of my favorite stories at this time of the year is ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Volunteer to read to seniors, the sick, or children. I can tell you they would love it! And so would you! Christmas reading Scribing Holiday journaling or writing is a great way to process your thoughts and reflect on your life. Now is a great time to scribe about all those blessings you have received this year. letters; journal; write Miracle Mornings are an opportunity to start the day anew – a new day, a new page, and a new you, and you get to set the tone. And since that kind of energy is contagious, you will be spreading goodness into the world too. What a Wonderful World that would be. Sending LOVE to you all this Holiday Season and wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy 2019 and Many Miracle Mornings!

Today’s author: Kat Middleton is a Certified Professional Empowerment Coach and the founder and CEO of WholeHearted Concepts, LLC. She is available for one-on-one or group coaching as well as workshops and speaking events. She offers a FREE 30 Minute Session to anyone who is ready to get started. Learn more about her and what she offers at her website: www.wholeheartedconcepts.com

Cable Strong

Cable Strong

Cable Strong

Imagine if you will, a steel cable wire: strong, sturdy, secure and stable. The type of cable used to secure the tallest bridges across America or the kind that runs underground for telephone communication networks.

Well, our habits are like a cable too; we weave a strand every day until it is extremely difficult to break . . . or maybe NOT!

What stops you from achieving your dreams? Is there some habit or behavior that you keep repeating and all the while never achieving your intended goal?

There is a real strength in looking at and recognizing our weaknesses and empowering ourselves to challenge, confront, and change them. If you want to make a serious change in your life for the better, than identify YOUR so-called bad habits.

A habit is an automatic pattern of behavior or practice usually done through repetition.

I recently read an excellent book called The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. He says that habits, as they are technically defined, are the choices that all of us deliberately make at some point and then stop thinking about but continue doing, often every day. It’s a natural consequence of our neurology. By understanding how it happens, you can rebuild those patterns in whichever way you choose. The brain will try to make almost any routine into a habit because habits allow our minds to ramp down.

According to Duhigg, it is sort of like a computer program consisting of three parts:

  1. CUE or TRIGGER, that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which habit to use, e.g., hunger
  2. ROUTINE, which can be physical, mental or emotional, e.g., eat something yummy!
  3. REWARD, which helps your brain figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future, e.g., immediate gratification

Over time, this habit loop becomes more and more automatic. The cue and reward become intertwined until a powerful sense of anticipation and craving emerges.

When a habit emerges, the brain stops fully participating in decision making. So unless you deliberately fight a habit – unless you find new routines – the pattern will unfold automatically.

Orison Marden says “The beginning of a habit is like an invisible thread, but every time we repeat the act we strengthen the strand, add to it another filament, until it becomes a great cable and binds us irrevocably in thought and act.”

We all have good and bad habits. When people talk about breaking bad habits, some of the first that come to mind are goals like:

  • Losing weight
  • Stop smoking
  • Get finances in order

While these are generally at the top of the list, also consider the actions most of us do every day without even noticing they have turned into bad habits.

  • Becoming discouraged and giving up too quickly
  • Being irritated and losing our temper
  • Procrastinating
  • Complaining
  • Overscheduling

Five Steps To Master Your Habits Before They Master You

Awareness is the #1 prerequisite to facilitating a change. You must begin by recognizing and admitting a bad habit exists.

I once had a friend who cussed like a sailor. When she told me she wanted to stop but didn’t know how, we made a game of it. I tugged my ear every time she cussed, and each tug cost her a quarter. Many dollars later and with a heightened awareness, I am happy to report my friend rarely, if ever, uses cuss words today.

Got SMART Goals? Devise a Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timed goal. Getting in shape is not quantifiable. But a goal such as “I will join the health club and swim two days every week for 45 minutes each day starting Nov 1st” is defined and measurable. The difference between a dream and a goal is a timeline.

A Plan. We have all heard the expression “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” right? Wanting to do something, no matter how much you want it, won’t make it happen. You MUST have an action plan and be willing to change something in your current lifestyle. Major accomplishments don’t just happen, at least not for the majority of us. Major changes occur one small step at a time. Just keep putting one foot in front of the next. Steady and consistent progress produces results.

Accountability and Tracking. We all do better when we have someone to be accountable to. Otherwise, we are apt to delude ourselves. Let’s face it, changing habits involves work, effort, and action.  Find someone you can report to on a weekly basis. It can be a friend, family member, or life coach. Having an accountability partner helps motivate you so you can stick to the plan and not fall back into your old comfortable ways. Chart the course together and visualize success.

Seek Advice. Talk to others who have also overcome the same habit you wish to overcome. People who know firsthand what you are going through. We have not been given the spirit of fear, but that of power, and love and of a sound mind. Replace a negative thought with a positive one. At first, it will seem unnatural, but with persistence and practice, it will become a part of the new you.

Start today, right now. Begin where you are, but don’t stay where you are. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today. We are all creatures of habit. Believe in yourself and go for the changes you really desire. In every situation, we have a choice of either responding to the old habitual way or thinking and starting anewIn the end,

Master Habits and Master Your Life.

Horace Mann says, “Habit is a cable we weave a thread of each day, and at last we cannot break it.” If we weave well!

The choice is yours.

Today’s author: Kat Middleton is a professional certified coach and the founder and CEO of Wholehearted Concepts, LLC. Kat is a Professional Energy Empowerment and Self-Acceptance Coach who specializes in helping clients personally and professionally that struggle with inner doubt, perfectionism and being way too hard on themselves. She is available for private one-on-one coaching as well as group workshops, seminars, and speaking events. Learn more about her at her website: www.wholeheartedconcepts.com

Introduction to EFT

Introduction to EFT

Introduction to EFT

If you know me, you know I’m all about sharing tools that support personal growth. It was about two years ago when I tried something new for the first time. I was skeptical about it, yet open to the possibilities of what it could bring me.

How would you like to …

  • Feel full of energy
  • Soothe away anger and tension
  • Evaporate anxiety
  • Unlock trapped stress
  • Enjoy more confidence
  • Decrease cravings
  • Erase a bad mood
  • Overcome depression
  • Eliminate test anxiety
  • Move past trauma
  • And more

What if I told you I know of an evidenced-based practice that is safe, effective, and approved of by the American Psychological Association that is on the leading edge of self-help today?

Would you be open to hearing about it?  How about trying it?

There are several studies out there to prove efficacy.  I however, like to experience things first hand and decide for myself if the effects produce positive results.  I was amazed at the immediate relief this brought me.

I’m talking about EFT, which stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques or tapping, also referred to as Psychological Acupressure. It is an energetic healing tool within the field of Energy Psychology that is gaining the attention of healing professionals all over the world, from scientists to spiritual leaders and everyone in between, including lay people like you and me.

Its popularity is attributed to the fact that it combines Ancient Chinese Acupressure, Modern Psychology and Neuroscience to create a powerful self-help tool to alleviate both mental and physical stressors and remove blockages in the energy system.

The brains master of the stress center, the amygdala, along with the memory centers hippocampus, both play a role in the decision making process of whether or not something is a threat, thus initiating the fight, flight or freeze response. EFT helps interrupt that firing alleviating undue stress.

Gary Craig founded EFT in 1990. He discovered lightly tapping the meridian points of the body in a particular sequence, as you focus on a feeling, sensation or thought resolved a whole host of issues from physical pain to emotional distress in a matter of minutes.

Best yet, it’s free, portable, and simple to learn.

Over 10 million people currently use EFT worldwide. It is an extremely useful tool to clear out limiting beliefs, restrictive behaviors, and do away with those “stinking thinking” negative thoughts, aka the gremlin.

So why should YOU choose EFT?

EFT can calm, relax, relieve and restore your harmony as well as renew flow back to your disrupted energy system. EFT can help transform your negative emotions and beliefs, rewire your neural connections and improve your immune system functioning.  All these things will enhance the heart, mind, body, and spirit, which is so vital to overall wholeness, wellness and your Wholistic Woman Health.

If I have piqued your interested and you would like to learn more, here are a few reference links to give it a try.

  1. Gary Craig’s Introduction to EFT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFKVVP8KXd4
  2. How to Tap http://www.eft-alive.com/how-to-do-EFT.html
  3. How to Tap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAclBdj20ZU
  4. How to Tap https://www.livestrong.com/article/1011745-eft-tapping-need-try

Congratulations! You’ve just completed your first Tapping sequence. What did you think? Let me know your thoughts.

Today’s author: Kat Middleton is a professional certified coach and the founder and CEO of Wholehearted Concepts, LLC. Kat is a Professional Energy Empowerment and Self-Acceptance Coach who specializes in helping clients personally and professionally that struggle with inner doubt, perfectionism and being way too hard on themselves. She is available for private one-on-one coaching as well as group workshops, seminars, and speaking events. Learn more about her at her website: www.wholeheartedconcepts.com


Shades of Gray

Shades of Gray

If things aren’t perfect, they must be horrible right?

If you’re not a fascinating person, then you must be boring?

I’ll either succeed, or I’ll fail.

You will love me or hate me.

Are you a person who sees things in extremes?

Good or bad,

Perfect or useless,

Right or wrong,

Moral or immoral.

YIKES . . . what a tough way to live!

If you are someone who looks at things in absolutes or falls victim to polarized black and white thinking, then this blog is for you.

All or nothing thinking is a thought pattern that can generate a “flight, fight, or freeze” response to danger. And, although much is going on in our world today that is concerning, we often fall prey to distorted thinking, better known as “stinking thinking.”

Small children just learning how to speak and organize thoughts think in black and white terms. This is normal and is called primitive thinking.

As adults, we are prone to primitive thinking during moments of crisis and stress. When an adult starts to feel overwhelmed by emotions, they can regress back to the way they saw the world as a child.

Black and white thinking is seeing the world only in extremes, and it skews your perspective. This kind of thinking can make you feel stressed, confused, overwhelmed, or just plain fed up. It can exacerbate depression, marital conflict, anxiety, and a whole host of other problems. By thinking this way, we miss the reality that things rarely are one way or another but usually somewhere in-between; in other words, there are many Shades of Gray.

Just ask Crayola!

Can you see yourself in any of the next three scenarios?

Becky is a middle-aged married woman who is continuously feeling depressed. She says she NEVER feels happy anymore and that she is ALWAYS disappointed with those around her and herself.

Susan, who attends Weight Watchers regularly, just ate a delicious piece of chocolate crème pie and told herself, “I guess I just blew my diet today, I might as well eat another piece.” All or nothing thinking can turn a single bite into a full-blown binge.

Joseph, an aspiring actor who supports himself currently as a carpenter, despite good reviews in several plays, reports feeling overwhelming anxiety whenever he has to audition for a role. Joseph ALWAYS prepares thoroughly but becomes increasingly anxious for days before the audition. He says he NEVER does well at auditions and would NEVER overcome this anxiety. He believes he will NEVER make it in the business and ALWAYS will just be a carpenter.

Joseph eventually realized that his black and white thinking became a self-fulfilling prophecy. He learned how to view his situation how it was, a mix of good things and room for improvements. With a newfound appreciation for the many shades of gray, Joseph is now happier, more realistic, less anxious, and successful in his new career.

You too can learn to recognize faulty thinking and make a choice to challenge it in favor of healthier living.

Recognize there may be more than one way to interpret any given situation. By doing so, you can avoid jumping to wrong and possibly harmful conclusions. When looking at a situation, your perspective follows your current line of thought, which is NOT necessarily the reality of a situation.

Stop using language that exaggerates. Words like:


Replace negative words with positives ones

Can’t Can
Problem Challenge or Possibility
Always Often
Never Seldom
Bad Unwise
Faults Differences
Mistakes Valuable Lessons

There is precious little in this world that is genuinely black and white. Give yourself and those you love a break and discover the many beautiful shades of gray. When you learn to recognize the spectrum of gray in the difficult experiences you encounter in life, you will be better equipped to explore ways to improve your situation and come out on top.

And lastly, as an Empowerment Coach,

“Don’t believe everything you think.”


Today’s author: Kat Middleton is a professional certified coach and the founder and CEO of Wholehearted Concepts, LLC. Kat is a Professional Energy Empowerment and Self-Acceptance Coach who specializes in helping clients personally and professionally that struggle with inner doubt, perfectionism and being way too hard on themselves. She is available for private one-on-one coaching as well as group workshops, seminars, and speaking events. Learn more about her at her website: www.wholeheartedconcepts.com

The Miracle Morning

The Miracle Morning

Have you ever had one of those mornings where you felt rushed, frazzled, and frustrated?

How about the morning when the bed feels so good that you just can’t seem to get up and out of it?

I know I have.

If the morning is stressful, the day just seems to follow.

How did you wake up this morning?

How you awaken each day dramatically affects your success in every single area of your life. If you want to transform your life faster than you ever imagined possible, start by having a Miracle Morning!

What is a Miracle Morning, you ask?

It’s waking up early and going through an intentional self-care routine that provides relaxation, energy, and productivity all before the day even begins.

Hal Elrod, the author of The Miracle Morning, is an impressive man. After being declared dead for six full minutes following a car crash, he was revived in the air, and then stayed in a coma for several days. After waking up, he was told he would never walk again, but miraculously he healed.  Then with even more ups and downs in his rollercoaster life, he developed the miracle morning routine.

He said, “Remember, the moment you accept total responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you claim the power to change anything in your life.” 

Hal studied the best of the best in conscious self-care practices and found six to be the most powerful, especially when they were bundled together. He calls them the Life S.A.V.E.R.S.  He makes it clear that to become successful you have to dedicate time to personal development each day; he also gives us the six-step routine to create and shape that time.

Whether you do 6 minutes or 60 minutes a day, do one, all six, or any combination of the practices that is right for you. It will be like pumping Wholistic Health and Wellness fuel into yourself!

Mornings are an opportunity to start anew–a new day, a new page, and you get to set the tone. Self-care practices increase your health and wellness body, mind, heart, and spirit.

And since that kind of energy is contagious, you will be spreading goodness into the world too. Not a bad way to start the day and make a difference for the better in this world of ours. Here are the six steps to the Miracle Morning:


The idea is to quiet the mind, block out the chatter, and start the day with calm and loving thoughts. Meditation. Prayer. Breathing.


Encouraging words to tell yourself to achieve your goals, overcome fears, be healthy and happy and live out your purpose.


Imagine yourself doing each thing step-by-step that you need to do to accomplish your goals. Then imagine what it will feel like when you succeed.


It doesn’t have to be power lifting or long-distance running. Just do something for a few moments to get the blood and oxygen flowing to the brain.


Fill your brain with positive thoughts and ideas toward self-improvement. Absorb the knowledge of people who have accomplished the things you want to do.


Writing or journaling is a great way to process your thoughts and reflect on your life. It will help you become more self-aware and more articulate.

These daily rituals allow us to pause, contemplate, concentrate, and celebrate!

Lifesavers indeed!

If you want to learn more about the Miracle Morning, join us this Saturday, March 3, 2018, at Turf Valley for our BE CREATIVE event or read Hal Elrod’s book.

Miracle mornings are a powerful way to live the life of your dreams.


Today’s author: Kat Middleton is a professional certified coach and the founder and CEO of Wholehearted Concepts, LLC. Kat is a Professional Energy Empowerment and Self-Acceptance Coach who specializes in helping clients personally and professionally that struggle with inner doubt, perfectionism and being way too hard on themselves. She is available for private one-on-one coaching as well as group workshops, seminars, and speaking events. Learn more about her at her website: www.wholeheartedconcepts.com