Music Can Take You Places

Music Can Take You Places

For as far back as I can remember, my father gifted his children with music. He would say music delights the heart, educates, soothes the soul, empowers and honors who we are. That’s why today’s blog is going to take us on a musical journey. C’mon, let’s go!

Music Delights the Heart:

My musical journey began with the instrumental story called Peter and the Wolf, whereby a musical instrument represented every character in the story.

Bird                     Flute
Duck                   Oboe
Cat                      Clarinet
Grandfather        Bassoon
Wolf                    Horns
Peter                   String section of orchestra
Rifle Shots          Kettle drums/drums

As a child, my imagination soared into a grand illusion of these characters and this very extraordinary musical piece came alive in all my senses. Even today, I delight at the very thought of it.


Next Stop, Music Educates:

For my 15th birthday, and to my extreme joy, my parents gave me a stereo system, which was a huge leap up in music appreciation from my tiny record player in a box (remember those?). Along with it, my dad gave me a Pete Seger album. However, that did not excite me as much since Pete was a folk singer and Aerosmith was all the rage at 15. Fast-forward many years later when one of our son’s favorite songs was “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” We would play it and have so much fun singing it and saying the word wimoweh. I later learned that song originated in South Africa by a man named Solomon Linda and wimoweh means “lion”. The song began in the ’30s, was redone by no other than Pete Seger in the ’50s, and in the ’60s became the #1 single in the hugely popular Disney film and Broadway show, The Lion King. Who knew?

To learn more about the history of this song, check out:

Then it was on to Music Soothes the Soul:

In August of 1991, my grandmother passed away. My father was in profound grief but unable to communicate what he was feeling in words, so he put it to music. He made a tape (we’re still in the ’80s) of twenty different renditions of Amazing Grace. It was glorious. It touched me so profoundly and allowed me to see into my father’s pain as well as mourn privately, yet not alone. I felt so understood and comforted. Here’s just one rendition as a way to pay it forward.


Every single year for more than a quarter of a century, Dad would make us kids a musical Christmas gift. As technology changed with the times, we moved from tapes to CDs, DVDs, then onto the iTunes playlist. He introduced us to many genres (Rock, Jazz, Country, Swing, Hip Hop, Folk, Reggae, Funk, Rap, Punk, etc.), an assortment of artists beginning with the Beatles but way too many to name, instruments, and much more. He called them his “Treasures from the Vault.” He used all of it to connect with us.

In 2011, Dad was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, a chronic and progressive lung disease where the alveoli in the lungs become scarred and stiff, making it difficult to breathe and get enough oxygen into the bloodstream. To help him cope and have the best quality of life possible, I began to travel often to his home in Pittsburg. I also became a life coach at that time.

Now at Music Empowers:

That’s where I embarked on some lessons from a researcher/storyteller by the name of Brené Brown. I loved her work so much I now facilitate workshops regularly. In week two of the Daring Way workshop, Brené brings music into the lesson by way of an arena anthem. What is that you say? Think back to the Roman Coliseum days where the gladiators battled the beast. An anthem is any song, poem, or speech that speaks to you during those somewhat petrifying and daunting times in your life when you feel like you might be eaten alive. An upcoming test, speaking in public, showing up and being seen as the real you, and Dad’s illness all qualified. These are the times when you want to walk into the arena with your anthem blaring so loudly that showing up seems less scary and even rewarding!

Pick a song from which you feel uplifted, encouraged, and reminded of how truly brave and magnificent you are, and the authentic gifts you bring. Anything that empowers, then ROCK IT!!!

My arena song was Gloria Estefan’s “Reach”:


Last stop for today, Music Honors Who We Are:

My dad was a Marine who loved his family and spoke to us often through music, as the words were not always available. Dad passed away peacefully in late September 2017. I like to think of him marching proudly to the Marine Corps hymn I heard so many times over the years, to his final resting place. Thank you, Dad, for your love of family, service to our country, and taking us on that powerful musical journey that stirred our emotions and kept us connected. Whether a carefully scored soundtrack, a healing hymn or an arena anthem, we will be forever grateful for the expressions of music you gifted us with.

As I reflect, I encourage each of you to think about your musical journey and the impact it has made on you and how you want to connect with others.

  • How do you delight, educate, soothe, empower, and honor those in your life?
  • What piece of music tugs at your heart?
  • Who can you educate with your specific knowledge of an artist?
  • When was the last time you took a soothing music break? Who was it with?
  • What is your arena anthem?
  • Do you remember the ceremony of someone you love being honored and how it felt?

I hope today’s blog encourages you to grow in your appreciation of the universal expression of music as you continue your journey with gratitude for this very exceptional gift.

Music speaks what cannot be expressed,
Soothes the mind and gives it rest,

Heals the heart and makes it whole,

Flows from heaven to the soul.



As a tribute to all the armed forces that serve and protect us all and our country:




Today’s author: Kat Middleton is a professional certified coach and the founder and CEO of Wholehearted Concepts, LLC. Kat is a Professional Energy Empowerment and Self-Acceptance Coach who specializes in helping clients personally and professionally that struggle with inner doubt, perfectionism and being way too hard on themselves. She is available for private one-on-one coaching as well as group workshops, seminars, and speaking events. Learn more about her at her website:


Journeying from Unconsciousness to Consciousness

Can you remember what it felt like when you awoke this morning? The very moment you came back into consciousness? Was it an all at once moment or did many stages from unconsciousness to being fully awake occur? Let’s take a look at what the definition of awakening means:


  1. (formal) an act of waking from sleep.
  2. an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something. “the war came as a rude awakening to the hardships of life”


  1. coming into existence or awareness. “his awakening desire”

As an Energy Empowerment and Self Acceptance Coach, I have learned that there are many levels of consciousness. The level upon which we choose to operate is up to us, but we must first understand that numerous levels exist. Many of us suffer from internal energy blocks, such as the “nagging inner critic”, and we may be living our lives more from a place of fear than a place of love.

The goal of today’s blog is simply to ask you to wake up. It’s an invitation to help raise your consciousness and awareness of true self and look at how you’re showing up in your own life.

I once attended a workshop on energy where the instructor handed out small green round dot stickers. She asked us to stick them in places we frequented often, such as our bathroom mirror, car rear view mirror, workplace computer monitor, etc. Anywhere we may come across them in our average day. As we became visually aware of the green stickers, in that very moment, we were to imagine a loud thunderous clap of hands and someone saying in a firm voice, Wake UP!

As the days moved forward and I practiced noticing, I became aware I was not awake most of the time. So where was I? Where are you? Was I daydreaming, wrestling with worry, forecasting tomorrow’s events, reminiscing about the past, resting my mind, and who was driving the car if not me?

  • Some of us are sleeping unconsciously thru our lives, with weak personal identities and low self-worth and self-importance. We are not awake, not questioning, and seemingly unaware of all that is happening around
  • Some of us are beginning to awaken to the potential of our true essence by questioning who we are, why we are here, and what purpose our lives truly
  • Some individuals are Awakened, Aware, and Alive! They are choosing to live in the moment by shifting their thinking, their emotions, and their behaviors as needed. In doing this, they are placing themselves in an environment that is supportive as well as anabolic and open to possibility.

The ego is never quiet. It’s always comparing, arguing, or trying to control us. Whether it’s early in the morning, mid-day, or evening, I again invite you to WAKE UP, pay attention, and increase your awareness. From this very moment, begin to choose and notice that actions always create consequences. Shift your words, thoughts, and behaviors. Are they positive or negative? Are you lifting those around you or contributing to the noise pollution with negativity? Transform and learn to let go of the things that no longer serve you well. Challenge yourself by testing new ways. Set a goal to consciously vibrate at a higher energetic level.

Choose the positivity of peace and love. Most importantly, do no harm to yourself or others. Quiet your mind and hear the voice of your higher power. Become more aware of your surroundings and environment. Let your senses engage and come alive. Learn, Grow, Love, and Believe in your TRUE SELF so that you can increase your satisfaction and truly enjoy each and every moment of your unique and wonderful life.

How can you be more awake? Take a look at my suggestions in the lists below:

Take a simple “Wake Up Your Senses” walk

What do you see?
What sounds do you hear?
What is the feel of things around you? Smooth or rough?
Is the temperature hot or cold?
What are the smells in the air? What’s out there that you could taste?

Aids to increase your wakefulness

Adequate sleep and rest
Eating nutritiously
Proper hydration
Exercise and movement
Deep breathing
Sunshine for Vitamin D
Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils
Soothing Music
Proper posture
Comedy and laughter
Gardening activities
(And I’m sure you could add-on to this list…)

Benefits to being Awake

Overall better health
Connectedness to all things
Living with purpose
Reduction of stress, worry, judgment, and conflict
Improved interpersonal relationships
Increased emotional expression
Increased smiling and appreciation
Authenticity of self
Keen awareness of living in the moment
Being a beacon of positivity
Contributing to the greater good of humanity
Acceptance of responsibility for one’s energy level and its contribution to the universe

To learn more about waking up, consciousness, energetic levels, and internal blocks . . . contact me! It’s not a quick fix but rather an education that facilitates a process and practice of change, thus eliminating fear and increasing love. I offer a free 30-minute session to anyone interested.

Through my iPEC training as an Energy Leadership Index Master, I help COURAGEOUS SOULS dissolve their barriers, eliminate blocks, uproot old stories and plant new internal messages. Together we work to clear out the clutter.

Maya Angelou; awakening; awareness; Wholistic Woman Retreats

Today’s author: Kat Middleton is a professional certified coach and the founder and CEO of Wholehearted Concepts, LLC. Kat is a Professional Energy Empowerment and Self-Acceptance Coach who specializes in helping clients personally and professionally that struggle with inner doubt, perfectionism and being way too hard on themselves. She is available for private one-on-one coaching as well as group workshops, seminars, and speaking events. Learn more about her at her website: