4 Skills Your Group Coach Should Have

4 Skills Your Group Coach Should Have

Whether you’re attending as an individual or signing up your team, you know group coaching is the next right step. You’re ready to bounce ideas off of other people and receive helpful feedback. But how do you know which group coach will be a good fit for you? Here are four skills you should expect a quality group coach to have:

Active listening

Does your group coach listen patiently and make you feel heard? An article from the Gift of Life Institute on the importance of active listening states, “Listening has been shown to be essential to communicating respect for another person.” Active listening goes beyond simply hearing what a person says and physically shows empathy, understanding, or a desire for clarification through nodding, asking follow-up questions, and using affirming language. “Active listening includes responses that demonstrate that you understand what the other person is trying to tell you about his or her experience.”

Red flag to look for: interrupting and dismissive language. In fact, your group coach should not only be an active listener himself/herself, but also be able to foster active listening within the group.


Group coaching participants can be working together on the same goal or may be comprised of individuals with similar goals. A great group coach will listen to your pain points, ask meaningful questions, and come alongside you to create goals that are clearly defined and achievable. He or she will help you stay focused as you work towards meeting your goals.

Red flag to look for: criticism and judgment. If you find yourself struggling to succeed, your coach should provide encouragement and practical suggestions.

Constructive feedback

One of the best benefits of group coaching is receiving constructive feedback. Remember, you have to be open to receiving feedback in order to see results! A skilled coach will not only provide you with direct feedback, but also facilitate a group environment that encourages honesty, curiosity, and open communication. Constructive feedback is achieved by asking questions and offering positive and motivating responses.

Red flag to look for: a negative group environment. Part of the group coach’s job is to create a safe and healthy foundation built on trust and mutual respect.


Your group coaching sessions will include time for “checking in” on your goals. You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with members of your group outside of the sessions. A successful group will celebrate one another’s successes and continue challenging one another to grow.

Red flag to look for: lack of follow-up from the group coach. Your group coach should be engaged in your journey.

Looking for group coaches you can trust? Our team of professional coaches offers coach-facilitated groups where you can expect to benefit from all four of the above skills (and more)!

Grow Your Business With Group Coaching

Grow Your Business With Group Coaching

Businesses all over the world are learning to make adjustments due to coronavirus. If you find yourself in the position of desiring growth but don’t know what the next step looks like, find comfort in knowing you’re not alone! Now is a great time to join forces with other entrepreneurs and support one another’s success through group coaching. Group coaching is a coach-facilitated meeting (in-person or virtual) where people with similar goals brainstorm ideas and offer advice to another. Here are X Ways group coaching can help you grow your business:

  1. Receive feedback on your mission statement and services – Group coaching offers a safe place to work on communicating your business’s mission and services. Whether you’ve owned your business for six months or six years, effectively communicating your work to others is always a skill worth perfecting! Toss around ideas for re-wording your mission statement or adding new services during your group coaching conversation. Keep a notebook handy to record the feedback you receive.
  2. Learn new business tools – Are you using Slack, Hubspot, GSuite, Plann, Trello, or MailChimp? Did your eyes just glaze over a little bit? If one of your goals is related to better organization, client management, or communication, take advantage of the expertise of your group coaching peers. Plus, you’ll not only hear first-hand recommendations, but you’ll also receive the benefit of accountability!
  3. Enjoy a network of support – Making friends with other business owners is a major perk of group coaching. While everyone in the group will have similar goals, you’re likely to learn and grow alongside people of different ages and stages of life. Take time to appreciate the value of their advice and support! Consider teaming up with one or a few of your coaching call peers to create a plan for sharing one another’s services. The more connected you are with other business owners, the more connected you will be to the community as a whole – which in turn will connect you to more potential clients!
  4. Commit to a strategy – Your group coaching facilitator will help you identify a strategy that you can begin putting into practice to help you reach your goal(s). During the meeting, you’ll be asked to update the group on your progress. The “check in” is a time for making observations, noting successes and challenges, and setting new intentions for the next meeting. Each participant learns, grows, practices, and repeats this process at each coaching session.
  5. Discover a renewed passion for your business – Group coaching sessions will help you focus your attention on your “why.” Identifying your why offers clarity by bringing to mind what your strong suits are and why you do whatever it is you do. If you’ve felt confused lately, or wonder if you’re missing out on something, the honest and confidential conversations that occur during group coaching will help get you back on track. Knowing you are supported by others is incredibly motivating, and will supply you the motivation and energy you need to move forward.

Are you ready to grow your business with group coaching?


Team Coaching vs Group Coaching: Is There a Difference?

Team Coaching vs Group Coaching: Is There a Difference?

Have you heard of group coaching? (Or, are you interested in learning more about group coaching?) If so, you might be wondering what the difference is between group coaching and team coaching. There are many similarities between the two. Both types of coaching involve a facilitator working with a set of individuals. In both cases, individuals are looking to grow professionally through increasing leadership skills, learning ways to effectively communicate, and more. 

But, there is a key difference between group coaching and team coaching. First, let’s define what each type of coaching entails.

What is Group Coaching?

In a group coaching setting, people who have a common interest gather together to work on individual goals. Each person has the opportunity to share his or her goals, and is held accountable by other members of the group. While a facilitator guides the conversation, members of the group are encouraged to share their perspectives and experiences. Thus, peer learning is accomplished.

Benefits of Group Coaching

Group Discussion

Do you ever feel stuck? You might be approaching your issue from the wrong angle or mindset. Group coaching provides a platform for each individual person to receive input from the rest of the group. Plus, you might be an expert on a subject that another individual needs help with!


Never underestimate the power of accountability! With group coaching, both the facilitator and fellow group members will check in to see how you’re moving forward towards meeting your goals. While you will note your progress at each meeting, you also have the opportunity to create check-ins outside of the structured group meeting. That brings me to…

Mutually beneficial relationships

You might find yourself in a group with another person who has a similar goal to yours. You could be in a similar line of business. Regardless of the reason why, you’ll likely find yourself connecting with one or more members of your group. If this happens, look for ways to meet up outside of the group coaching setting. 

What is Team Coaching?

Like group coaching, team coaching involves increasing the professional development skills of participants involved. However, instead of working on individual goals, participants work together to set goals and make decisions. This is a great option for workplace teams who have undergone a change in leadership or who are still getting to know one another. In a team coaching setting, each person’s individual skill set is seen as a valuable and vital part of the team’s success. 

Which Type of Coaching is Right For Me?

Are you looking to meet goals you’ve established for yourself as an individual? Would you like to receive input and accountability from other people? If so, give group coaching a try.

Are you part of a team of coworkers or managers who would benefit from establishing shared goals? The success of team coaching is based on each person working together.

Still not sure if group coaching is right for you? We’d love to help!


Our next group coaching session will discuss how strengths and money relate to one another. Financial Coach Jane Helm and Executive Coach Carol deLaski will lead a small group of women in exploring and applying two powerful tools, Money Personality and Strengths Finder. Learn more and register here!

The Power of Group Coaching

The Power of Group Coaching

Brené Brown says “True belonging doesn’t require that we change who we are; it requires that we be who we are.”

Group coaching allows you to be who you are in a group of like-minded people–the ones who are faced with similar challenges and goals. As a participant, you become part of a dynamic form of learning, where you will help others while receiving the support and encouragement from professional coaches and your fellow group members.

Here are some of the powerful benefits of group coaching:

  1. Shared wisdom: Group coaching provides an opportunity to discuss your dreams and goals with similar people and share ideas. It also provides an opportunity to learn from the insights and contributions of others. The learning that occurs in a group from listening to other members’ stories, ideas and concerns provide an insightful mirror for your growth.
  2. Accountability: Group coaching brings an element of accountability to others. This is an awesome motivator when you come to each session to discuss your progress and achievement of goals and the barriers to achievement with others who are empathetic and supportive. You receive constructive feedback from multiple sources, which enriches your own development. Group coaching holds you accountable while still giving you time and space to reflect.
  3. Opportunity to build authentic friendships: Group coaching allows you to make new connections and form authentic friendships with others. It gives you an opportunity, and confidence to explore ways to enrich personal connections. It enhances your own compassion, empathy. By listening to others’ stories, you gain an understanding of your own unique story.
  4. Increase your motivation: This type of coaching is a great motivator. Women often feel exhausted and overwhelmed. Knowing you have the support from other participants as well as from professional coaches will offer the encouragement you need. It builds confidence, and motivates you to keep going with reaching your goals!
  5. Finding your Tribe: By getting to know other group members on a personal level and developing trust with them, you will belong to a group, growing your network of relationships that enrich your life. This type of bonding amongst group members who offer mutual support can act as a powerful catalyst for change.
  6. Affordability: maybe private coaching is out of your financial comfort zone. Group coaching is an affordable option, where you will experience the power of coaching at a fraction of the cost!

At Wholistic Woman Retreats, we like to meet you where you are and offer you opportunities for personal and professional growth. We hope you will consider our group coaching offers as an opportunity to enhance your life while forming new relationships with like-minded women.

As a wealth coach, Jane combines decades of financial services experience with a degree in social work and psychology to bring positive financial change to her client’s lives.