Businesses all over the world are learning to make adjustments due to coronavirus. If you find yourself in the position of desiring growth but don’t know what the next step looks like, find comfort in knowing you’re not alone! Now is a great time to join forces with other entrepreneurs and support one another’s success through group coaching. Group coaching is a coach-facilitated meeting (in-person or virtual) where people with similar goals brainstorm ideas and offer advice to another. Here are X Ways group coaching can help you grow your business:

  1. Receive feedback on your mission statement and services – Group coaching offers a safe place to work on communicating your business’s mission and services. Whether you’ve owned your business for six months or six years, effectively communicating your work to others is always a skill worth perfecting! Toss around ideas for re-wording your mission statement or adding new services during your group coaching conversation. Keep a notebook handy to record the feedback you receive.
  2. Learn new business tools – Are you using Slack, Hubspot, GSuite, Plann, Trello, or MailChimp? Did your eyes just glaze over a little bit? If one of your goals is related to better organization, client management, or communication, take advantage of the expertise of your group coaching peers. Plus, you’ll not only hear first-hand recommendations, but you’ll also receive the benefit of accountability!
  3. Enjoy a network of support – Making friends with other business owners is a major perk of group coaching. While everyone in the group will have similar goals, you’re likely to learn and grow alongside people of different ages and stages of life. Take time to appreciate the value of their advice and support! Consider teaming up with one or a few of your coaching call peers to create a plan for sharing one another’s services. The more connected you are with other business owners, the more connected you will be to the community as a whole – which in turn will connect you to more potential clients!
  4. Commit to a strategy – Your group coaching facilitator will help you identify a strategy that you can begin putting into practice to help you reach your goal(s). During the meeting, you’ll be asked to update the group on your progress. The “check in” is a time for making observations, noting successes and challenges, and setting new intentions for the next meeting. Each participant learns, grows, practices, and repeats this process at each coaching session.
  5. Discover a renewed passion for your business – Group coaching sessions will help you focus your attention on your “why.” Identifying your why offers clarity by bringing to mind what your strong suits are and why you do whatever it is you do. If you’ve felt confused lately, or wonder if you’re missing out on something, the honest and confidential conversations that occur during group coaching will help get you back on track. Knowing you are supported by others is incredibly motivating, and will supply you the motivation and energy you need to move forward.

Are you ready to grow your business with group coaching?