Five Different Ways to Have a Successful Vacation

Successful vacations, in many ways, are similar to successful holiday experiences.  As we enter into 2016’s holiday season, we encourage you to take the time to think about what types of experiences you would like to have this year.  

This week’s blog by WWR member, Linda Norris-Waldt gives you her take on 5 different ways to have a successful vacation.  You just might be able to use some of these ideas to enhance your holiday experiences.  Enjoy!


I’ve been vacationing for more than 50 years–both the kinds of vacations where I was “taken along” as a child, and many, many vacations that I have planned as an adult. Like major family holidays, vacations can carry lots of baggage with them–both literally and figuratively. The expectations we have of them are often unrealistic; the disappointment we feel when a vacation doesn’t “relax us” can leave us feeling deflated and even with a curious sense of wasted money and time.

I’ve let that happen to myself too many times, and on a recent trip away–where things didn’t turn out the way we had hoped with incessant rain at the beach, in my middle-aged wisdom I made a conscious decision to turn the tables on disappointment. What I got was a rest–which was just what I needed. After all, vacation is, from the Latin “freedom from occupation”.

Take a look at these vacation models and see if your next vacation fits. But wait till it’s over–you never know what’s in store for you if you keep an open mind!

A Change of Mindset. This kind of vacation can be accomplished in a variety of ways, but the underlying theme is, put aside the YOU who left home and, almost like an alter ego, embrace new things. (Remember the Seinfeld episode in which George does the complete opposite of normal?) Foods, sites, adventures, people, culture and countries….these are all options that help you delve into your deepest self and notice whether you’ve been missing an element of who you are. Warning: this type of vacation is hard to do from the comfort of home!

Release of Expectations. After all these years of vacationing, I finally experienced this kind of true peace only recently. We were expecting sun-drenched fall days on a sandy warm beach only to be drenched by days of rain. Maybe you were expecting a certain port of call that was, well, called off. There are many ways that we trap ourselves by idealizing a vacation. Without creatively embracing the new vision, we miss opportunities for a different kind of refreshment. For us, three days of heavy rains turn into sighting of shorebirds unknown to those parts who were blown in by the storm, and a bike trip during a few-hours break from the rain on a windswept, magical storm-tossed marshland park.

A Feast of People. We’ve all had those vacations; the beachhouse bacchanalias of our youth, or the big extended family trips with cousins in every square foot of sleep space. Or, a cruise filled with meeting new people, or a group destination tour. These experiences can be cherished for not only a chance of better knowing the people dear to you, but of sifting through varying human natures to learn more about yourself. (This attitude can be especially helpful when putting a group of people together causes conflicts that must be endured, at least until the vacation ends!) You can come away from a vacation like this with a completely different outlook on your life, your work, and the people you love.

A Solo Journey. Most of us don’t make many of these, but everyone should be tuned in to the need at some point in your life when you’re ready. You can make it an organized retreat with structured meditation, hiking or activities with people you don’t know, or simply create your favorite solo experience, camping, a hotel or B& B, or a house-sitting for a friend. These solo trips can be disconcerting for those of us used to always having people around, but once you tune into yourself, you will want to have paper, journals, computer, paint brush or paints–whatever is the best way to express yourself. Once you settle into solitude, your inner self will be itching to come out.

Stay Put and Rest. There are times your body tells you its simply needs to BE. These vacations can be helpful for recovering from family crises, work overload, health issues — there are many reasons we need to learn to be still. Do not be tempted to do things for the sake of “being on vacation” when your soul tells you, it needs to be quiet. Walk quietly, sleep, read, meditate. It will refresh you in ways you never dreamed.


Today’s guest blogger, Linda Norris-Waldt is a writer, journalist and sustainability advocate who is a committed member of the Wholistic Woman community and a believer in self reflection and life coaching. Her business is NW Communications.

Take Five

Take Five

The magic number 5.

When you get the news that you have cancer, the number you strive for is five! I’m happy to say that this is my fifth year as a cancer survivor.   To be honest, it has felt a little different…a time to pause and reflect on this stage of my life…where it all began and why celebration is key.

I recently held my sixth ‘Dress for a Cure’  fashion show which raises money for FORCE – Facing our Risk of Cancer Empowered. I founded ‘Dress for a Cure’ a year prior to being diagnosed with breast cancer because my mother was battling ovarian cancer. My mom and I were prepared since we both had learned we were BRCA1 positive (breast cancer positive).  BRCA1 is  the most common gene associated with breast and ovarian cancer.

When something big happens, whether it’s positive or not-so-positive, my approach is to look for a way to see it as an opportunity. In the past, my mother used to say “it is what it is” and she meant it in a positive way, like…ok, what’s next, and that helps me along the way. I love how she embraced life.

This year, more than any other, I paused and reflected on the past five years as a cancer survivor.  These are the TAKE 5 thoughts that have grounded me through it all:

1 – Heritage – remembering the past is special and the stories are the best part. Heritage…is what it is. I have felt the need to slow down and simplify life more. My mother lived a simple, but filled life. I have been craving ‘what is’ and perhaps that explains why my One Word “roots” came into my life this year. I went back to Oklahoma to visit my mom’s farm and family so that I could focus on where her life began and explore what’s been passed onto me.

What stories do you often talk about that have shaped who you are?

2 – Team and Community– go hand in hand. I have learned you can’t do it alone and why would you want to? A team is there to celebrate and cheer you on or lift you up when you fall down. My team on surgery day was key and I will never forget how I felt before going into my 13 hour surgery and how I felt all the weeks after. My community is what keeps me going year after year and it has grown over the years.

Who is on your team, and in your community that lifts you up and celebrates life with you?

3 – Be (+) Positive – this is something you have control of. B(e) positive is not only my blood type, it’s also my mindset and top strength. It is what gets me through life’s ups and downs. This mindset has played a big part of my life journey towards healing and becoming healthier and happier. I guess you could say it’s in my blood.

How do you handle the ups and downs in your life?

4 – Boots – resemble strength to me. I have been embracing my brave-girl boots. We have heard the saying, “you are what you eat”… how about “you are what you wear”! Putting on my brave-girl boots over the past five years has helped me feel stronger. It’s also why my ‘Dress for a Cure’ event  evolved to ‘Dress for a Cure: Give Cancer the Boot’. It’s why I called my trip to OK – Roots to Boots. I have made a strong connection – heritage to bravery.

What do you wear that makes you feel brave and strong?

5 – Celebration of Life – this is what life is about, in my opinion. As we go through life we look forward to celebrating milestones. I get to decide which milestones I celebrate.  They can be simple and small…or big, like my five year survivor celebration.

How do you celebrate milestones, big and small?

Truthfully, we are all survivors in some way. I am a five year breast cancer survivor.  I am also a survivor of many other things in life. I will continue to move forward and Take these 5 tips for myself.

How will you take them for you?

There is so much to be grateful for and to celebrate. I invite you to join the Wholistic Woman members and coaches at our annual Gratitude dinner on November 16 from 6-9 pm at Dutch’s Daughter. If you aren’t a member yet, you may join now for 2017 and attend this year’s gratitude dinner. Come appreciate and celebrate with us!  Click here for details


Today’s author: Kelye Rouse Brown, CHA, CHT is a business owner, joint venture partner, HR expert, certified coach, and training professional. Her 3 components: Educate, Motivate, and Cultivate help her clients develop, spark action, and grow a successful career/business and life from the core. Kelye can be reached at 301-371-9300 or by visiting her website:

Deliver Excellence And Your Unique Value In The Workplace

Your personal brand is your unique promise of value. Delivering excellence is about setting a high standard for yourself and focusing on getting as good as you can possibly be over time. Ultimately, it is inward focused.

When it comes to my work, the amount of time, effort and energy I put in determines my end result. Since my work is important to me, I give my best effort. I want my work deliverables to be high-quality and valuable since they are an extension of my personal brand. For me, putting my all into my work shows that I care which is key to developing my personal brand.

Having the desire to produce excellence is key for women in leadership who want to proactively drive their careers. Here are a few behaviors demonstrated by successful female leaders that can help you advance your excellence and build your brand as you contribute to your organization’s success.

Believe and visualize your future achievements as a way of preparing for your future success. Imagine yourself already in your next level role. Then, envision what you want to do and focus on how to get there. Map out your personal leadership growth strategy – assess your skills, share your interests, seek out a mentor, and discover new ways to elevate your unique strengths in service to others.

Seize opportunities to contribute to your organization’s success. Make an impact in business and deliver your personal brand excellence.

Be willing to get out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there, even if it instills fear. Author, Tom Peters, who wrote In Search Of Excellence, said “If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade.” Be courageous and learn to overcome fear to fulfill your potential.

There are opportunities to lead, demonstrate your value and expand your success for anyone who wants to take them. Keep yourself focused and your personal brand development on track by taking small steps daily toward seeking mastery as a leader and focus on being as extraordinary as YOU can be.


Today’s author, Heather Nunley is an Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant who specializes in working with organizational leaders and teams to leverage their brilliance and design a better way to work. Brilliance Work provides executive coaching, interactive workshops, executive roundtables and various customized consulting programs for organizations.


If you’d like to hear more from Heather, she will be co-leading, Be Unique, a Wholistic Woman Retreats event being held on October 26th in Frederick, MD.  For details on this event, click here.  Hope you will consider joining us!

Be Unique

Be Unique

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” –Dr. Seuss

As children we accept this simple truth — we are uniquely created individuals. Too often, as adults, we forget. When does this psychological sabotage happen and why do we stop embracing our Youniqness?

Typically this perspective change happens unconsciously. Studies have shown the average brain processes 50,000-70,000 thoughts per day. That’s 48 thoughts per minute. Which means that we need to ask ourselves how many of these thoughts are negatively impacting our perspective through false comparisons or unrealistic expectations?

Our DNA, the genetic code that dictates our gender, appearance, and propensities, determines much of what makes us unique. It is present in every one of our 10 trillion cells. If you removed a person’s genetic code and stretched it out, end to end, it would reach from the earth to the sun 100 times! This vast assortment of code is combined in an infinite array of possibilities. As a result, no two people are the same. We are each an original design of a master craftsman.

So, why were we made with so much genetic diversity? Is there some sort of implicit purpose to our uniqueness? What did our Creator have in mind? If we were created this way, why do we try so hard to be like someone else?”

Comparison does not equal inspiration. Comparing our ‘average’ life to another’s ‘highlight reel’ often causes us to feel worse about ourselves rather than encouraging us to be better. It is in grasping this understanding that we can begin to appreciate another woman’s beauty without allowing it to take away from our own. To celebrate another woman’s success without it diminishing what we’ve accomplished. To recognize someone else’s intelligence without feeling inadequate.

The word unique means “having no like or equal.” As unique individuals we have no equal, hence no need of comparison. Instead, we can embrace our very own DNA. Let us learn to appreciate and communicate that we are Designed, Necessary, and Able.

We are Designed. As an architect brings his masterpiece to life through imagination, creativity, and adoration, we have a designer who made us with great creativity and love. You are not an accident. You are a unique design; a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

We are Necessary. Each one of us has special character traits, strengths, and skills given to us to fulfill our purpose. Whether you are a hard-working mom, employee, or CEO, you have been gifted with specific gifts that make you necessary to your world.

We are Able. We all occasionally struggle with doubt and fear. These can cause us to question our abilities or value to our world. Often these doubts are compounded by past mistakes, struggles, or perceived failures. This can make us afraid to try again or too tired to put in the hard work it may take to accomplish our goals. Being ‘able’ requires us to accept ourselves. It empowers us to accept that we cannot change the past, but are able to affect the present and build our future. When we begin to embrace our true DNA, we are more able to celebrate our attributes, live authentically, accept ourselves and love others.

October’s Be Unique Evening Retreat will delve deeper into discovering, understanding, and embracing our unique DNA. Please consider this your invitation to join us! Click here for details


Today’s author: Affiliate Coach, Liz King-Reihm, works with women of all ages to create healthy lives through mental, physical, and spiritual wholeness. She helps women discover their potential with both personal training as well as life coaching. For more information about Liz you can visit her website :, email her at [email protected], or call (240) 397-6437 with specific questions.


The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction

the-power-of-positive-thinking-becoming-a-positive-exampleWhat is the Law of Attraction?

A simple definition is that the law of attraction is the belief that “like attracts like.” It draws on the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life.

Another way to look at it is to recognize that the universe is made up of energy and that energy is designed to match vibrations. With this perspective, if something has appeared in your life then you have somehow invited it by the energy of the thoughts you’ve been sending out. This is a powerful tool which can be used to consciously invite more positive experiences into your life.

4 steps to practice The Law of Attraction:

  • See it and believe it – use creative methods such as visualization, vision boards, affirmations, lists, and meditation techniques to fully envision what you desire. For example, if you want to find a new relationship, first visualize exactly what you want. Use pictures, drawings or written descriptions of your ideal partner to create a very detailed image.
  • Identify the challenges and/or problem areas that hold you back. Look back over your life and try to understand the lessons life has taught you. Then ask yourself, “Okay, now what do I want to with that awareness?” Use your personal and professional history to gain insight about yourself and purposefully choose to learn from those experiences.
To continue with our example, if past relationships didn’t work out or didn’t make you happy, try to identify what you didn’t like about them. What do you want to avoid in a relationship in the future and what do you truly want in your next one? Then focus fully on what you do want in order to bring change into your life.
  • Remove self-talk sabotage – Self-critical thinking is very common and many of us don’t even realize the negative messages that we say within our own minds. A simple strategy to begin changing your self-talk is to replace the word ‘but’ with ‘and.’ The word ‘and’ is inclusive and empowering so be sure to add it to your vocabulary more often. Another great word to add is ‘yet.’ By focusing your thoughts on “it hasn’t happened yet,” you are tapping into confidence that it will happen one day. Continue to visualize and see the positive result…BELIEVE IT WILL HAPPEN! For example, think and say, “I am now drawing my ideal relationship to me which includes __________ (then fill in the blank with the attributes that you desire). Use your vision board or daily affirmations to reinforce your vision and really see the result.
  • Use your support resources to guide you and keep you on track. Remember to be open to the information that comes to you through the people and things that appear in your life. What you attract may not look or feel exactly as you imagined so have an open mind and heart and check out all possibilities.  For example, pay attention to unexpected messages that resonate with you through books or other reading materials, as well as people and/or events that come into your life. The universe may be sending you an invitation to go somewhere which will the opportunity you need to meet new people. You may just find the relationship you’ve been looking for there!

Once you’ve found that new relationship, remember to continue using this practice. With the law of attraction, we know that whatever we focus on…we will experience more of…and that impacts all of our relationships. If we focus on another person’s good qualities, we will experience more of those qualities. Conversely, if we focus on what we dislike about that person then those will be the characteristics that we experience more of. Keep focusing on the positive!

One final reminder: have patience with this process. There are no guarantees as to how long it will take to attract what you desire so don’t lose faith if it doesn’t happen within your time frame. Trust and believe that what you desire will appear exactly when it’s meant to.

The Law of Attraction is a powerful perspective to adopt. We’ve seen it work in our own lives and we encourage you to try it in yours.

Begin by asking yourself, what do I want more of in my life?

Then take time to really envision it in detail. Believe that it will happen, if not now, then someday in the future.

Stay positive and follow any nudges the universe sends your way…even if it’s not what you were expecting.

Then be sure to celebrate when what you’ve wanted arrives in your life.

Believe that you can attract more of what you want in your life.


Today’s authors: Rena Larkin and Carol deLaski are life and leadership coaches who embrace and live by The Law of Attraction. Feel free to contact them to share your experience with this powerful principle. [email protected] / [email protected]