Your personal brand is your unique promise of value. Delivering excellence is about setting a high standard for yourself and focusing on getting as good as you can possibly be over time. Ultimately, it is inward focused.

When it comes to my work, the amount of time, effort and energy I put in determines my end result. Since my work is important to me, I give my best effort. I want my work deliverables to be high-quality and valuable since they are an extension of my personal brand. For me, putting my all into my work shows that I care which is key to developing my personal brand.

Having the desire to produce excellence is key for women in leadership who want to proactively drive their careers. Here are a few behaviors demonstrated by successful female leaders that can help you advance your excellence and build your brand as you contribute to your organization’s success.

Believe and visualize your future achievements as a way of preparing for your future success. Imagine yourself already in your next level role. Then, envision what you want to do and focus on how to get there. Map out your personal leadership growth strategy – assess your skills, share your interests, seek out a mentor, and discover new ways to elevate your unique strengths in service to others.

Seize opportunities to contribute to your organization’s success. Make an impact in business and deliver your personal brand excellence.

Be willing to get out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there, even if it instills fear. Author, Tom Peters, who wrote In Search Of Excellence, said “If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade.” Be courageous and learn to overcome fear to fulfill your potential.

There are opportunities to lead, demonstrate your value and expand your success for anyone who wants to take them. Keep yourself focused and your personal brand development on track by taking small steps daily toward seeking mastery as a leader and focus on being as extraordinary as YOU can be.


Today’s author, Heather Nunley is an Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant who specializes in working with organizational leaders and teams to leverage their brilliance and design a better way to work. Brilliance Work provides executive coaching, interactive workshops, executive roundtables and various customized consulting programs for organizations.


If you’d like to hear more from Heather, she will be co-leading, Be Unique, a Wholistic Woman Retreats event being held on October 26th in Frederick, MD.  For details on this event, click here.  Hope you will consider joining us!