Tomorrow, Friday, August 22nd, 2014 is the first day of Farm-to-Fork Frederick. This is an 11 day event where restaurants in Frederick County Maryland and local farmers enter into a supportive partnership to create a special menu where at least 70% of the ingredients are grown and raised from farms in Frederick County. This event is special to Wholistic Woman Retreats because one of our members, Miriam Nasuti, is the founder of Farm-to-Fork Frederick and we are proud to be a sponsor of this event.

Really, this event is about forging healthy relationships between food suppliers, local food establishments and the community. It’s about creating a win-win in both the personal and professional relationships of all involved. It’s about making connections and opening up opportunities for growth. Miriam is walking the talk of what it means to be a Wholistic Woman. In my opinion, she is nurturing wholistic relationships. Hmm…I think I just made up a new term…Wholistic Relationships!

On our Wholistic Woman website, we define wholistic as “intentionally growing each aspect of your unique self – body, heart, mind and spirit – in order to achieve greater confidence in expressing yourself authentically, both personally and professionally”. Using this as a guide, I’d like to suggest that the definition of a wholistic relationship would be a relationship in which both parties willfully and intentionally connect for the purpose of growth as well as to practice authentic expression of their unique self.

What are the components of a healthy, wholistic relationship?

Here is the list I’ve come up with: (so far)

  • They support the growth of both parties
  • Both parties are willing to practice the 60/40 rule which simply states that you strive to give 60% and take 40%
  • Each person feels seen, heard and knows they matter
  • Communication is authentic even when its uncomfortable
  • Active listening is practiced

Now I know this community is full of people who are practicing being in healthy, constructive relationships both personally and professionally and we’d like to hear from you!  What do you think needs to be added to the list?  Let’s keep this dialog going!  Please give us your thought to the question in the comments section.

Oprah Winfrey says, “Every single person you will ever meet shares a common desire. They want to know: Do you see me? Do you hear me? Does what I say mean anything to you?”  I use this quote on a daily basis.  I strive to see, hear, and acknowledge and validate every person I come into contact with…from the cashier behind the counter to those I love dearly.  I’ve also let go of relationships where I am not getting this in return.  For me, relationships are a 2-way street and I know I deserve to be seen, heard and acknowledged.  I am no longer willing to give less or to settle for less.

Next week, I will be supporting Farm to Fork Frederick by dining out with my wholistic friends.  I encourage you to consider doing the same.  Spending time with the people who are special to us is important and I can’t think of a better way than over a meal at one of the Farm to Fork restaurants.  You can get more information by clicking here.

In the mean time, don’t forget to give us your input on what makes up a wholistic relationship.  Thanks!


Today’s author: Laura Hall is an iPEC certified life coach whose business, Hall Coaching, was established in 2009 with the vision of waking women up from the nightmares of “How did I get here?” and, “Is this as good as it gets?”, so that they can begin creating and living the life of their real dreams, hopes and desires. She offers both one on one as well as group coaching services. She can be reached at [email protected] or check out her website at
