A Wholistic Approach to One Word

A Wholistic Approach to One Word

A Wholistic Approach to One Word

Are you familiar with the practice of using One Word for the year?

Many find this tool more helpful than New Year’s resolutions which can fall by the wayside within a few weeks or months. The idea is that your One Word guides and teaches you throughout the course of a full year. Based on the easy-to-read book, One Word that will Change your Life, by Gordon, Britton, and Page, the practice is simple yet highly impactful. Now in my 7th year using the One Word practice, I have decided to take a Wholistic approach to the practice. This means I will consider my One Word through the four perspectives of wholeness; heart, mind, body, and spirit.

Allow me to explain this approach using my one word from last year as an example.

My word for 2018 was Beloved and it has taught me a great deal in the past 12 months. I like to reflect on the lessons learned before I move on to another word for the New Year.

Heart: As you might imagine, the word Beloved was relatively easy to experience on a heart level. I paid close attention to the inward and outward dimensions of it. Inward meant noticing what it feels like to be someone’s Beloved; to be the recipient of their love and attention. Outward meant noticing what it feels like to show others that they are Beloved to me. 2018 was a significant year as I married my longtime sweetheart, Greg. I had the opportunity to give and receive love in new ways as I committed the rest of my life to this Beloved man and to our blended families. In addition, the year offered significant lessons as I walked, (and continue to walk) a journey through the diagnosis of a terminal illness with a Beloved brother-in-law and sister. This word taught me anew not to take the people I love for granted. You can read more about these heart lessons in Be Loved, My Beloved. 

Mind: When I thought about the word Beloved, I immediately went to the dictionary to learn its official definition. Webster’s tells us that it means ‘dearly loved, or dear to the heart’. No surprise there. I am aware who is dear to my heart, as I imagine you are, too. However, I cannot help but wonder how well I express that ‘dearness’ to those who are Beloved to me. Like many, I often get caught up in the busyness of life and focus on completing the tasks that make up my work and life activities. I believe that what we focus on grows, so when I focus on accomplishing tasks, I must admit that I get a lot done and feel satisfaction from my efforts. However, something is lost when I allow myself to focus solely on my ‘to-do list’. I lose the being part of me. I have learned this year to focus more on being with those I love. I have prioritized quality time with those dear to me and have built a wealth of joyful memories as a result of that prioritization. I still get my work and life tasks done, but there is a better balance now as I try to make sure those who are dear to me know just how much I treasure them.

Body: I was surprised at what I found when I looked at my word Beloved from a physical perspective. Similar to what I learned from the heart and mind dimensions, I noticed that it had to do with taking people for granted. In this case, however, it was my own health and well-being that I took for granted. I tend to assume that my body will function how I need it to each day. It isn’t until I get sick or injure myself that I realize just how precious a healthy body is. I am in awe of the physical design and intricate systems of the human body. I consider my body a gift from my Creator. I see that gift as a Temple and feel a responsibility to maintain my health in optimal condition so that I can be (and do) all that I am called to be and do. Early in 2018, I was motivated to treat my body very well as I prepared for our wedding. During the first half of the year, I was a healthy eater, exercised more than ever before, got plenty of sleep, and generally practiced excellent self-care. After the wedding, however, I took a break from those good habits and I am still trying to get back to them 6 months later. I admit that self-care can be hard for me. I’ve had a lifelong tendency to focus on others more than on myself. According to Gallup’s Strengths Finder, my leadership style is ‘Relationship Building’ and I agree completely.  I love people; whether at work or at play I am fascinated by human interactions. This year I added a new tool to my personal development with the Enneagram assessment, an ancient typology of nine interconnected personality types. According to the assessment, I am a 2, which is known as The Helper. It confirmed yet again that I am hardwired to focus on others. I am designed this way. My word Beloved, when focused inward, reminds me to incorporate self-care with the care of others. It is absolutely necessary to take care of my body and health in order to be the giver that I am designed to be.

Spirit: To be honest, I was somewhat uncomfortable when the word Beloved first resonated with me early in 2018. It is not a word that I use in everyday speech, so it felt a bit awkward. My use of it was infrequent and, even then, it was in written form. It is a word that I usually see in my favorite Good Book, so I have thought of it as a spiritual word. I can almost hear God’s voice saying, “This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” It felt like too grand of a word for me. It was a word to describe the Son of God, not Carol Sue. But because the One Word practice comes from God/Spirit I felt compelled to pursue it this past year. I delighted in highlighting Beloved whenever it appeared in my daily devotionals. Unlike my other yearly theme words, this word has not appeared very often in conversations, on posters or coffee mugs or in songs, but it has appeared often in my devotional readings. There has been a wonderful spiritual connection whenever I have read the word Beloved because I can almost hear God saying it…and that brings me joy. I have also been reminded that one of the names for the Holy Spirit is The Helper. This reminder encourages me to trust that there is a Force greater than I which helps those in need. I can relax and not spread myself so thin by quickly swooping in with assistance. I prayerfully ask the Spirit to guide me every day in offering my help. I have learned that spiritually guided help is much more effective and less exhausting in the long run. I use the prayer that I wrote in my book, Lost and Found: Discovering Strength in Love and Faith, each day to orient and ground me:

Dear God, be personal and present with me today; Be my best friend. Help me see how you are guiding and providing for me; Holy Spirit, You lead. Continue to heal my heart swiftly and silently so that I can be all that you created me to be; Make me whole. Amen.

As I ask God to guide me each day, I embrace in a trusting relationship with my Creator. I feel connected and sense when my actions are in alignment with the Spirit.

I share this example of a Wholistic Approach to One Word because I find that it adds a deeper dimension to my yearly word practice. I encourage you to try it as well. If you are new to the One Word practice, I suggest that you read the book mentioned above and find a Stretch Team to discuss your word with throughout the year.

Women in the surrounding Frederick area are invited to join me for an evening retreat about the Wholistic Approach to One Word on January 30th from 5:30-7:30 pm. Click here for more details and registration information.

A second invitation is to join a One Word Coaching Group offered by the Wholistic Coaching Coalition. These small groups are open to women and men and will meet conveniently via Zoom calls in February and March to get you off to a great start with your One Word for 2019. Click here for more details.

Feel free to comment here with your thoughts and questions.

Today’s author: Carol deLaski, PCC, is a strengths-based executive leadership coach who guides individuals and businesses to be their best. For more information about her coaching services, and her book Lost and Found: Discovering Strength in Love and Faith, visit www.caroldelaski.com or email her at [email protected]

Packing List for Life’s Journey

Packing List for Life’s Journey

Packing List for Life’s Journey

I’ve always resonated with the idea of life being a journey.  A journey is defined as an act of traveling from one place to another.  I see life as a journey across time.  Over time, I’ve been able to experience different aspects of myself and the world in which I live.  It’s been quite a journey and the exciting part is that there is so much to discover and uncover about myself still ahead of me.

Every seasoned traveler knows that packing appropriately can make a big difference to your experience.  If you forget to pack your gloves on your ski trip, you are either going to need to buy some or you are going to be pretty miserable.

This got me thinking about a packing list for life’s journey.  This packing list is modeled after the 10 guideposts to wholehearted living found in the book The Gifts of Imperfection by Dr. Brené Brown.  I hope you find it as helpful as I have 🙂

  1. Bring authenticity – Be truly yourself, practice being vulnerable. Let yourself really be seen. Leave behind the masks and armor you have accumulated over the years. They will just weigh your life down.
  2. Bring compassion, both for yourself and those you encounter on your journey, leave behind perfectionism…there is no such thing as a perfect life, only perfectly imperfect ones.
  3. Bring a resilient spirit…when you find yourself in an unexpected rain storm, believe that you have what it takes to make it through. Seek the shelter of help if needed. Leave behind numbing and powerlessness as those behaviors and thoughts can leave you feeling lost and hopeless.
  4. Bring gratitude and joy…look for the good in life. Speak words of appreciation to yourself and others on a daily basis.  Leave behind scarcity and fear of the dark…you are worthy of love and belonging.  You are enough.  Remember that!
  5. Bring intuition and faith, leave behind the need for certainty…You are never going to be able to predict all the unexpected surprises that you will undoubtedly encounter along the way. Trust that divine intervention is with you always, guiding you even when you don’t realize it.
  6. Bring creativity – the life you design together will be uniquely yours. Leave behind comparison…Instead of comparing your life to others’, ask the question, “Is this working for me?”  If the answer is yes…great.  If the answer is no…be creative and try something different.
  7. Bring along play and rest while leaving behind exhaustion as a status symbol and productivity as self-worth …Do things that rejuvenate you and refills your tank. When you are tired, rest.  Remember, it doesn’t matter how fast you go.  Enjoy the moments and go at your own pace.
  8. Bring calm and stillness, leave behind anxiety as a lifestyle…some of the most memorable experiences will be those born out of not having an agenda. They will come in the quiet stillness of just looking up at the stars.  Anxiety will undoubtedly show up at different times during your journey, learn from it and move on, but please don’t pack it.
  9. Bring meaningful work…something that leaves you feeling accomplished and feeling like your life has purpose. This may or may not be what we do for employment.  Do not pack self-doubt and “supposed to’s”…practice trusting yourself and learning to say no to things that are not moving you toward your best self and your best life.
  10. Bring laughter, song and dance, and leave behind being cool and always in control. Please pack your sense of humor and a willingness to be silly and not take yourself too seriously while leaving behind a need to always be right.

This packing list is something I need to revisit on a regular basis.  I hope you find it as useful as I have as you navigate your way through life. Is there anything else that you think is important to pack or to leave home?  I’d love to read what you have to say!


Today’s author: Laura Hall, CPC, CDWF: As a certified professional coach since 2009, Laura Hall, Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator has been helping people just like you make changes in. As a mother of 2 girls, Laura has a special interest in coaching parents, so if you still have children living at home, ask Laura about her Wholehearted Parenting programs. Laura can be reached via email at [email protected] or feel free to visit her website HallCoaching.com

Kat’s Holiday Edition of the Miracle Morning

Kat’s Holiday Edition of the Miracle Morning

Kat’s Holiday Edition of the Miracle Morning

What is a Miracle Morning? It’s waking up early and going through an intentional self-care routine that provides relaxation, energy, and productivity all before the day even begins. To learn all about the basics of the Miracle Morning, check out my earlier blog. Now let’s dive into the holiday edition!

Hal Elrod, the author of The Miracle Morning, studied the best of the best in conscious self-care practices and found six to be the most powerful, especially when they are bundled together. He calls them the Life S.AV.E.R.S! Whether you do 6 minutes or 60 minutes a day, do one, all six, or any combination of the practices that is right for you, It will be like pumping Holiday Wholistic Health and Wellness fuel right into your mind, body, spirit, and heart.

Here are some ways to have a Miracle Morning and celebrate the holiday season:

Silence Start each day with quiet time. The idea is to quiet the mind, block out any chatter, and start the day with calm and loving thoughts, meditations, prayers, and breathing. The bible and an app called Calm are my regulars. Here’s a meditation for the season. There are many more online.

candle Affirmations Encouraging words you tell yourself to achieve your goals, overcome your fears, be healthy and happy, and live out your purpose.

Visualizations Imagine yourself doing each thing step by step that you need to do to accomplish your goals. Then imagine what it will feel like when you succeed. One of my favorites is the Holiday Bubble Technique: Give your seasonal dreams a lift off. Wrap your heart’s desire in an Imaginary Beautiful Holiday Bubble. Then send it out into the universe to be created for you.

  • Start by getting in a comfortable position and breathing.
  • Set your specific intention:
  1. Today what I want to manifest is____________________________.
  2. Now close your eyes, take 2 deep breathes, drop your shoulders, and open your mouth ever so slightly.
  3. Stating, Today I visualize …I see, hear and feel myself…See the scene unfolding in your minds eye, feel the emotion, joy, and elation as clearly and specifically as you can.
  4. Now take your Beautiful Holiday Bubble, and seal your vision deep inside it..
  5. Now let it go, watch it rise and float up, up, up, past the clouds, into the universe where you can no longer see it but TRUST it is there.
  6. Now say, I BELIEVE that this vision or something even better will now manifest for me and BELIEVE it is so!

For more information about the original Pink Bubble Technique, see the book Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain or go to this website: http://www.freemeditations.com/pink_bubble_meditation.html

Exercise It doesn’t have to be power lifting or long distance running. Just do something for a few moments to get the blood and oxygen flowing to the brain.  Why not wear some FUN holiday pants to work off all those yummy cookies while moving about to some holiday tunes? Jingle All the Way! fun pajamas Reading Fill your brain with books! One of my favorite stories at this time of the year is ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Volunteer to read to seniors, the sick, or children. I can tell you they would love it! And so would you! Christmas reading Scribing Holiday journaling or writing is a great way to process your thoughts and reflect on your life. Now is a great time to scribe about all those blessings you have received this year. letters; journal; write Miracle Mornings are an opportunity to start the day anew – a new day, a new page, and a new you, and you get to set the tone. And since that kind of energy is contagious, you will be spreading goodness into the world too. What a Wonderful World that would be. Sending LOVE to you all this Holiday Season and wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy 2019 and Many Miracle Mornings!

Today’s author: Kat Middleton is a Certified Professional Empowerment Coach and the founder and CEO of WholeHearted Concepts, LLC. She is available for one-on-one or group coaching as well as workshops and speaking events. She offers a FREE 30 Minute Session to anyone who is ready to get started. Learn more about her and what she offers at her website: www.wholeheartedconcepts.com

Four Tips to Increase Gratitude

Four Tips to Increase Gratitude

Four Tips to Increase Gratitude

Have you ever had a day where you ran from one activity to the next, barely having time to catch your breath? It’s on days like these that I tend to lose sight of the small things that bless my life. I may miss a kind look, word of encouragement, or the beauty of the world around me.

At this time of year, we focus on gratitude and giving thanks for the big and small blessings that surround us. In the busy-ness of daily life, it’s easy to be distracted. Here are four tips to develop a gratitude practice.

Gratitude Tips for Busy People:

1- Prime the Pump – Priming is the cognitive state which increases sensitivity to certain stimuli. For example, it can cause you to see a certain type of car on the road more frequently after you buy one yourself. When you are intentionally grateful you prime your mind to see reality through a filter of thankfulness and abundance. The more you do it, the more you’ll feel it. Develop your ‘gratitude muscle’ by noticing things every day for which you are grateful.

2 – Play a Gratitude Game – Take a few minutes to reflect appreciatively each day. Whether you do it before bed, or over your morning coffee, or as you’re driving, notice 3 things that are right and good. Consider including yourself on the list. Say it out loud, or write it down, in this format: “I am grateful for __________because________.” Knowing why you are grateful expands and deepens the experience, bringing it more fully into your heart.

3 – Give to Get More Abundance – When we give our time, attention, or money we are using our resources for the benefit of others. Something magical happens for both the giver and the receiver when we share. It becomes a powerful force of positive energy. Until we give, it is only a potential source of power. It is through giving that you are able to realize the full power and extent of the gifts in your life and the true nature of abundance. When we recognize that we have enough to share we are making a statement to the universe that we are living abundantly, and we shift our hearts to a place of generosity. This circle of good energy expands every time we give.

4 – Being Grateful Even in Hard Situations – For many of us this is the most challenging step of all. Let’s face it, learning to apply gratitude around the unpleasant, negative and painful situations in our lives is difficult. The key lies in realizing that we don’t have to be grateful for the event, person, or thing itself but rather in the learning that occurred from it. Notice how you are growing, or what opportunities are opening up for you as a result of the experience to shift to a more positive perspective.

Most of us were taught to say “thank you” as children. We know those two simple words can have a powerful impact, smoothing out the rough edges of our interpersonal interactions. “Thank You” can become so much more when we develop a practice of mindful gratitude.  It has been said to be the most powerful form of prayer and is the simplest way to shift our energy from negative to positive. Try it today. Being grateful-on-purpose will help you see the abundance in your life on a regular basis.


Today’s author: Carol deLaski, PCC, is a strengths-based executive coach who guides individuals and businesses to be their best. For more information about her coaching services, and her book Lost and Found: Discovering Strength in Love and Faith, visit www.caroldelaski.com or email her at [email protected]

Happiness and Health Through the Holidays

Happiness and Health Through the Holidays

Happiness and Health Through the Holidays

Traveling with friends and family is one of my favorite things to do! This summer has already been filled with a lot of travel and creating wonderful memories.

When I was in Ireland last month, I was overjoyed with the food options. Every meal consisted of fresh meats, fruits and veggies. There was fresh fish, farmers market goodies and so many options for those with food sensitivities. We walked a lot and I felt very healthy being there.

I know that’s not always the case, but there are many ways to modify or make healthy adjustments when traveling. Below are some of my top tips that I always incorporate when traveling and also share with my clients.

1.  Get plenty of sleep

With the different places I’ve traveled to so far this summer, sleep has been a challenge at times with different time changes. Due to that and the health benefits, I’ve made it a point to get tons of rest when I can. Depending on where you are traveling, things can be stressful. Running around the airport, long drive times and lack of sleep can all take a toll on the body. Make sure you get enough rest, especially around the days you will be traveling. I recommend shutting down electronics an hour before you plan to sleep. Breathing exercises can be beneficial too! For me, I find reading to be helpful. Find what works for you but make sure you make sleep a priority.

2.  Move and stretch

When I am on vacation or away on a trip, I like to move! This includes walking a lot and traveling with portable exercise equipment like bands.  You can also rent bikes, paddle boards (when on the water) and other outdoor equipment. When flying or driving long distances, take time for stretching. Whether it’s on the plane or at a gas station when stopping. Many places have daily passes at the gym or equipment in the hotel.  Again, find what works for you but make sure you incorporate movement and stretching.

3.  Hydrate

Hydration is very important! Especially when traveling. I usually carry an empty water bottle with me on the plane or bring water when traveling by vehicle. Staying hydrated is very important. Not only does it hydrate the body, but it helps with cooling the body down and detoxification.

4.  Keep it clean

Nutrition is usually something that I have down when it comes to travel. Over the years, I have learned what works for me, my own bio-individuality and my lifestyle.  That’s not to say that I never indulge or enjoy things. Especially when traveling to new places or trying new things, but I usually “keep it clean” because I feel better and have more energy when I eat well.

While vacationing or traveling, be mindful of things like alcohol, caffeine, sugar and processed foods. Traveling with a cooler and loading up at the farmers markets are great tips when traveling by vehicle. Preparing meals where you are staying helps to save money and provides healthier options.  When eating out, opt for a clean, lean protein source and lots of veggies.  Most restaurants are accommodating to substitutions and mindful of dietary restrictions. Many meals have large portion sizes, so I like to take leftovers home for another meal. You can always add some extra veggies from the market. Stocking up on fresh produce provides for snacking options too.

When traveling by plane, you are able to take snacks.  For more information, here is a link to the TSA site. TSA – What you can take on a plane

5.  Research restaurants

I love trying new restaurants and tasting new foods and dishes. Before visiting a restaurant that I’ve never been to before, I always look up the restaurant and menu. Most restaurants provide this online resource. I like to try places that have a variety of menu options.  When it comes to food, I always keep it simple. Don’t overcomplicate things!

Stick to the 80/20 or 90/10 rule. I am pretty good about sticking to clean eating, but if I want to try a new kind of wine or enjoy some cheese, I do so.  I know that some foods may deliver different symptoms hours or days later, but I am mindful of these things.  Instead of making excuses, I go right back to my clean eating and drink a lot of water.

6.  Choose activities that bring you joy

Whether you’re vacationing with friends, family or on a business trip, pick activities and adventures that you enjoy. If time allows, check out something new that you have never done before.  Being out of town provides a great opportunity to experience new things.

7.  Drop the guilt

As mentioned, traveling provides a great opportunity to try new things and experience different cultures. If you decide that you want to try an exciting new food or beverage, don’t carry guilt afterwards. The same goes if you decide to lounge on the beach all day. Vacations are a time to relax, enjoy and experience.  Balance is key!

8.  Take a healthy travel bag

When packing, consider a healthy travel bag. Check the TSA website and see if your items meet regulations. You can pack healthy snacks, breakfast options, water and clean products. Opt for chemical free products, especially when it comes to sunscreen.

9.  Supplements and Probiotics

Depending on your lifestyle, don’t forget to pack your supplements if you take them. Probiotics are especially beneficial when it comes to gut and overall health. If I know I am going to be indulging in some extra goodies, I bump up my water intake and probiotics. A lot of airports sell kombucha and many markets sell fermented foods.

10.  Pack a variety of clothing and shoe options

When traveling, make sure to pack comfortable and ventilated clothing. Especially if you will be on a plane or in a car for many hours. Taking comfortable or workout clothes will provide additional comfort and support when you’re on the move or working out.

I hope you found some of these tips to be helpful. Do you have any tips of your own that you have found work?  I welcome you to comment below.
Wishing you safe and happy travels!

Today’s author: Kim Wilson is a Certified Holistic Health Coach (CHC) and owns her own business, Kim Wilson, LLC, which specializes in empowering and educating women to get to the root of what’s going on with their own unique, individual body. She works with women one-on-one and coaches through online groups and programs. Learn more about Kim at her website www.kimwilson.me, from her Facebook page, or find her on Instagram.

Be Soothed with 6 Essential Oils

Be Soothed with 6 Essential Oils

Be Soothed with 6 Essential Oils

Traveling with friends and family is one of my favorite things to do! This summer has already been filled with a lot of travel and creating wonderful memories.

When I was in Ireland last month, I was overjoyed with the food options. Every meal consisted of fresh meats, fruits and veggies. There was fresh fish, farmers market goodies and so many options for those with food sensitivities. We walked a lot and I felt very healthy being there.

I know that’s not always the case, but there are many ways to modify or make healthy adjustments when traveling. Below are some of my top tips that I always incorporate when traveling and also share with my clients.

1.  Get plenty of sleep

With the different places I’ve traveled to so far this summer, sleep has been a challenge at times with different time changes. Due to that and the health benefits, I’ve made it a point to get tons of rest when I can. Depending on where you are traveling, things can be stressful. Running around the airport, long drive times and lack of sleep can all take a toll on the body. Make sure you get enough rest, especially around the days you will be traveling. I recommend shutting down electronics an hour before you plan to sleep. Breathing exercises can be beneficial too! For me, I find reading to be helpful. Find what works for you but make sure you make sleep a priority.

2.  Move and stretch

When I am on vacation or away on a trip, I like to move! This includes walking a lot and traveling with portable exercise equipment like bands.  You can also rent bikes, paddle boards (when on the water) and other outdoor equipment. When flying or driving long distances, take time for stretching. Whether it’s on the plane or at a gas station when stopping. Many places have daily passes at the gym or equipment in the hotel.  Again, find what works for you but make sure you incorporate movement and stretching.

3.  Hydrate

Hydration is very important! Especially when traveling. I usually carry an empty water bottle with me on the plane or bring water when traveling by vehicle. Staying hydrated is very important. Not only does it hydrate the body, but it helps with cooling the body down and detoxification.

4.  Keep it clean

Nutrition is usually something that I have down when it comes to travel. Over the years, I have learned what works for me, my own bio-individuality and my lifestyle.  That’s not to say that I never indulge or enjoy things. Especially when traveling to new places or trying new things, but I usually “keep it clean” because I feel better and have more energy when I eat well.

While vacationing or traveling, be mindful of things like alcohol, caffeine, sugar and processed foods. Traveling with a cooler and loading up at the farmers markets are great tips when traveling by vehicle. Preparing meals where you are staying helps to save money and provides healthier options.  When eating out, opt for a clean, lean protein source and lots of veggies.  Most restaurants are accommodating to substitutions and mindful of dietary restrictions. Many meals have large portion sizes, so I like to take leftovers home for another meal. You can always add some extra veggies from the market. Stocking up on fresh produce provides for snacking options too.

When traveling by plane, you are able to take snacks.  For more information, here is a link to the TSA site. TSA – What you can take on a plane

5.  Research restaurants

I love trying new restaurants and tasting new foods and dishes. Before visiting a restaurant that I’ve never been to before, I always look up the restaurant and menu. Most restaurants provide this online resource. I like to try places that have a variety of menu options.  When it comes to food, I always keep it simple. Don’t overcomplicate things!

Stick to the 80/20 or 90/10 rule. I am pretty good about sticking to clean eating, but if I want to try a new kind of wine or enjoy some cheese, I do so.  I know that some foods may deliver different symptoms hours or days later, but I am mindful of these things.  Instead of making excuses, I go right back to my clean eating and drink a lot of water.

6.  Choose activities that bring you joy

Whether you’re vacationing with friends, family or on a business trip, pick activities and adventures that you enjoy. If time allows, check out something new that you have never done before.  Being out of town provides a great opportunity to experience new things.

7.  Drop the guilt

As mentioned, traveling provides a great opportunity to try new things and experience different cultures. If you decide that you want to try an exciting new food or beverage, don’t carry guilt afterwards. The same goes if you decide to lounge on the beach all day. Vacations are a time to relax, enjoy and experience.  Balance is key!

8.  Take a healthy travel bag

When packing, consider a healthy travel bag. Check the TSA website and see if your items meet regulations. You can pack healthy snacks, breakfast options, water and clean products. Opt for chemical free products, especially when it comes to sunscreen.

9.  Supplements and Probiotics

Depending on your lifestyle, don’t forget to pack your supplements if you take them. Probiotics are especially beneficial when it comes to gut and overall health. If I know I am going to be indulging in some extra goodies, I bump up my water intake and probiotics. A lot of airports sell kombucha and many markets sell fermented foods.

10.  Pack a variety of clothing and shoe options

When traveling, make sure to pack comfortable and ventilated clothing. Especially if you will be on a plane or in a car for many hours. Taking comfortable or workout clothes will provide additional comfort and support when you’re on the move or working out.

I hope you found some of these tips to be helpful. Do you have any tips of your own that you have found work?  I welcome you to comment below.
Wishing you safe and happy travels!

Today’s author: Kim Wilson is a Certified Holistic Health Coach (CHC) and owns her own business, Kim Wilson, LLC, which specializes in empowering and educating women to get to the root of what’s going on with their own unique, individual body. She works with women one-on-one and coaches through online groups and programs. Learn more about Kim at her website www.kimwilson.me, from her Facebook page, or find her on Instagram.