“What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.” ~Yiddish Proverb

Do you like to laugh?  How often do you laugh a day?  How much you laugh could have a huge impact on your health.

People who know me will say they can tell when I am present, before they ever see me, when they hear me laugh.  I must confess, I absolutely love to laugh and look for any opportunity to do so.  I think I was born to laugh because throughout my years I can remember people laughing because I was laughing.  My mother said I sounded like Woody Woodpecker (a laughing woodpecker cartoon back in the 60’s) when I was small and in high school I was in the year book for “funniest laugh.”  Some would also say the loudest as well because I have never been able to keep my laughter quiet; except maybe when I was smaller and my Dad would pick on me in church and I knew I would get in trouble with Mom, but anyone looking at me knew what was going on because I would be bouncing off the pew trying to hold it back.  Later in high school, I once was sent out of my history class because I was laughing so uncontrollably the teacher felt I was disrupting the class.  I missed the whole class because I couldn’t stop.  Most of the time, I find I am either laughing at myself or with others who can laugh at life.

The reason I share this, is if you are like me, you will have fewer illnesses and stress in your life when including laughter on a daily basis.  If laughter is not something you do often, I encourage you to find opportunities to do it as often as possible because the benefits are incredible.  During a recent research review for my weekly ATP fitness program for ways to lower stress, I discovered this unbelievable list of positive health benefits. Laughter does the following….

  • Boost immunity by decreasing the stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine
  • Increases levels of natural killer (NK) cell activity (this is a good thing)  NK cells are a type of white blood cell that attacks cancer tumors and cells infected by viruses such as HIV
  • Improves blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessel wall (endothelium) therefore increasing vascular blood flow and oxygenation
  • Improves inhalation due to the deep breathing, this clears the airways and increases oxygen intake
  • Improves blood glucose levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes, researchers are not sure if this is due to increased expenditure or stimulation of the neuroendocrine system preventing glucose spikes
  • Relieves pain by releasing endorphins this relaxes the muscles especially for spastic muscle pain
  • Reduces feelings of fear, anxiety, anger, and aggression making light of a bad situation
  • Makes bonding with others easier by cutting the tension especially with strangers, it is a universal communication among cultures
  • Stimulates organs and aids in digestion, reduces symptoms related to irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis
  • Boosts immunity by increasing level of salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA) an antibody that fights bacteria and infections especially in the respiratory system, also increases Lymphocytes B and T cells which also fight infections, viruses, and manage immune responses

Researchers have also discovered that laughing a 100 times is equivalent to 10 minutes on a rowing machine or 15 minutes on the stationary bicycle. Now that is something to laugh about!  So laugh it up ladies and seek social interaction; we are 30% more likely to laugh with others.

Summary: Laughter is Good Medicine!  We were designed perfectly with everything we need to live within this stressful world.  During stressful times remember this list, call a friend, and allow laughter to fill your days!  Let laughter and your body provide you with what you need to get through any situation no matter how difficult.

An inspirational encouragement….

Proverbs 17-22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

Here are some things to ponder….

1. What activities make me laugh?

2. Who are the people that increase my chances of laughing?

3. What can I do to add more laughter to my day?

Would love to hear what makes you laugh or have you share funny pictures or videos with our “Wholistic” community!


Today’s author: Sandie Lynch MS, RDN, LDN, Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, Personal Development Coach and CEO of ATP Consultants, LLC.   Sandie provides private coaching and group fitness classes sharing 5 Principles to Attain Top Performance in living your best life at any age!
