Enjoy these tips from Coach Sandie’s BYOB: Get the “Skinny” on a Sassy, Sexy Summer.

Sassy is defined as pert, boldly smart, and/or saucy.  Looking deeper, one of the definitions for Pert is Lively; sprightly (full of energy): and in good health.

Isn’t being healthy, full of energy and lively what we all want?  When we feel like this, confidence exudes from us and confidence is what the polls say is considered sexy!  So when we are feeling “Sassy” we can’t help but be “Sexy!”

I know it is not everyone intention or desire to strive to be what our culture considers “sexy” but what would you say to being able to “turn heads” from both men and women?  It is not about attracting a mate but radiating an energy people can’t help but notice!

When we are healthy, full of energy, lively and confident, people want to meet and get to know us better. They want to know our secret!   So, what are some strategies to create this type of captivating energy?

The first step is belief.  Believing that this is possible and then visualize and dress the part of already being there…feel it, and breathe your confidence; being full of energy, health and liveliness!

Second, create and say out loud daily what you want to create using an “I AM” statement such as, “I AM confident” or I AM strong!”  Make it your own and assume the feeling of living life exuding this declaration!

And third, think of the things that will manifest health, fun, and joy in your life and then sow these habits into your life consistently!  Replace the things that rob energy and the health you wish to create.  Make sure the activities and habits you select create fun, and grow your energy.  Our heart, mind, body and spirit want to keep doing things that feel good and bring happiness in life and will avoid things that bring pain.  So by doing fun things that create health in your life will make it easy to live a lifestyle that will manifest the vision you want.

Therefore, find your joy and live it every day and you will have a “Sassy, Sexy Summer every year!

For more tips and strategies on creating a healthy body and spirit of joy, please feel free to contact me for more events and programs to start your ATP journey today!  240-439-9927.


ATP Consultants, LLC (Attain Top Performance)

Sandie Lynch, MS, RDN, LDN, CPT

Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and Certified Personal Fitness Trainer.
