by Carol deLaski | Aug 29, 2016 | Health, Nutrition, Sandie Lynch
It seems like every few months a new diet hits the press promising fast weight loss, increased energy, and maybe even to fix all our health problems. As a Registered Dietitian, I have seen diets come and go over the years and the question that always enters my mind is, how long will this one be around?
Many times the diets are just too hard to follow or stick with over time, so individuals lose weight but eventually go off the diet and gain it all back with more. Earlier this year, U.S News & World Report published the “Best Diets” ( ) as rated by a team of impressive experts ( including physicians, nutritionists, and psychologists. These experts looked at the following criteria: how easy it is to follow, its ability to produce short-term and long-term weight loss, its nutritional completeness, its safety and its potential for preventing and managing diabetes and heart disease. From this report it appears most diets don’t work, at least long term. If you are considering following a popular diet, I recommend reviewing this report before you choose one.
The discouraging part of many of these diets is they do produce results, short term, but are very restrictive, and as individuals lose weight, they also lose lean body mass (muscle) – the very thing that maintains our metabolism, gives our body shape, and provides energy and power. As the individuals regain the weight, it’s all fat and the muscle is long gone… unless they are planning to rebuild it through regular a strength training program.
This “yo-yo” process is especially problematic as we grow older because it speeds up the natural loss of lean body mass that occurs with aging, leading us to feel weaker and older than we really are. So, how can we stop the weight loss, fat gain cycle? Below are 6 tried and true strategies that have worked for me and many of my clients to increase energy, keep the muscle, lose fat and keep it off.
- Say “No” to Diets: Many diets are restrictive or eliminate foods that are considered healthy with supporting studies that show these foods contribute to healthy outcomes and decreased chronic disease. Some of these foods include whole grains, dairy, and fruits. Of course if you have allergies it is best practice to avoid them.
- Eat a Balanced Diet: The best strategy is to eat a variety of foods in all food groups including lean meats, plant proteins such as peanut or almond butter, low fat dairy, fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, and nuts and seeds. Avoid or at least limit processed foods that contain added salt, sugar, and fat.
- Eat smaller portions: Bottom line, most individuals gain weight because they eat is more than they burn. Just cutting back is a great first step. I learned a valuable strategy from one of my clients called the “80-20” rule – eat to feel 80% full by decreasing your portion by 20%. Don’t even put it on your plate to avoid the temptation to eat it.
- Avoid the Hunger Beast: The Hunger Beast is stronger than any will power. When we allow ourselves to get too hungry, no will power can stand. Eating a substantial snack between meals will help stand strong against temptation. Examples may be a mini bagel with natural peanut or almond butter, Greek yogurt with nuts, or garbanzo beans with Italian dressing, these snacks work great to take the hunger away until the next meal, making it possible to be in control of your choices.
- Eat Carbs to Spare Muscle: So many diets want us to believe carbohydrates are the enemy, when they are actually what helps spare our muscle when dieting. Typically, when losing weight, we lose fat, water, and muscle. When we eat low carbs, our body uses our protein for energy instead of using it to rebuild and spare our muscle. Best strategy is to eat a minimum of 125 to 150 gms of carbohydrates per day. Carbs don’t make us fat, over eating does. Most extremely lean body builders’ diets consist of 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat. There are also studies showing no significant differences in weight loss when macronutrients (carbs, protein, and fat) percentages are adjusted between high protein/low carb to low fat/high carb. Overall studies show the primary contributing factor to weight loss is a calorie deficit.
- Pick a diet plan you can follow for life: No matter what diet you follow if you don’t like it or it is too hard to follow, it won’t work for you! Our brain needs to attach change with a positive to adhere to a diet. Otherwise, struggling will cause the brain to revert back to old habits. Therefore, gradually modify food choices and behaviors using the strategies above and move frequently to stay strong, energized, and healthy.
I would love to help you reach your goals and save you the frustration of following a diet to lose weight just to regain fat. ATP Fitness starting in September 2016 is focusing on “Eating for Energy” for the education theme. The group coaching following the exercise will review various diets, foods, and eating habits and their impact on weight, energy, and health. Learn more by contacting me at
Today’s Author: Sandie Lynch MS, RDN, LDN, Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, and Wholistic Wellbeing Coach. Owner and CEO of ATP Consultants, LLC. Sharing 5 Key Principles to Attain Top Performance in living your best life at any age!
by Carol deLaski | Feb 5, 2014 | Health, Nutrition, Sandie Lynch
How are you “loving” your heart?
This February is the 50th Anniversary of American Heart Month declared by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. Since that time much research has been conducted to find strategies to protect our heart from disease and death. Although the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) is declining, it is still the number one killer of women in the United States. One in four women dies from heart related disease every year, more than breast and other types of cancer.
The good news is most risk factors are preventable. Such as obtain and maintain a healthy weight, know your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose numbers, don’t smoke, eat a healthy diet with at least 5 or more of fruits and vegetables each day, move your body daily, and love deeper, more often, and start with yourself.
Now if you internet search the topic of American Heart Month, you are sure to find a ton of great resources to guide you in lowering your risks. I have included a few of my favorites; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the American Heart Association. What you won’t find on most of these resources is the intervention of loving deeper. Let me explain, although most of the information on preventing heart disease has been around for years it has been very difficult for individuals to adhere to the recommendations. In the recent AHA statistical Update 2012 it stated that 26% of adults have only 3 of the primary cardiovascular health interventions at ideal levels and 4% having 6 metrics at ideal levels.
So what keeps individuals from being able to follow the recommendations? I believe that it is not necessarily a heart problem but a loving problem. Our heart is the sustainer of our life on earth, it was also made for love. When it is empty it hurts and we find ways to fill it with all sorts of things that are not necessarily healthy; junk or dead food, television, work, drugs, and the list goes on. I have found from my clients and personal experience that it is a matter of finding the ability to love ourselves that tears down the barriers to selfless self-care that allows us to build a healthy self-image, resilient body, create deeper more fulfilling relationships, and live a better quality of life.
So often we speak to ourselves in condemning ways and call ourselves awful names such as fat, ugly, stupid, lazy, weak, etc… Our brain processes all this information and will do its best to manifest what you believe and speak. The question lies, do you really believe all those horrible things or are you allowing excuses to create a life you don’t want.
Take time to assess your body for the blessings it provides you every day. What are you grateful for? Just appreciating the 5 senses; sight, taste, smell, hearing, and touch, provides us the ability to actively engage with our surroundings. It is up to us to choose our perspective of these experiences and how we want to respond. Will you choose to love what you have and take care of it or continue to dislike what is being created by speaking lies.
When we understand how valuable we really are, we learn to honor the body with kind healthy treatment. Our body is our friend, and the only physical companion we have every minute of our life. Talk to it kindly and encourage it to be its best. It is your temple in which to live your best life.
If you want to learn more, please join me at the February WBN (Women’s Business Network) luncheon at Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant at 581 Himes Ave, Frederick, MD 21703 on February 14th, from 11:30 where we will discuss the research and typical heart health interventions and dive deeper into loving deeper and how this is the key to truly have heart health!
Today’s author: Sandie Lynch, Registered Dietitian, Personal Fitness Trainer, and “Wholistic” Well-being Coach. Sandie is the owner and CEO of ATP Consultants, LLC where she teaches how to Attain Top Performance through 5 Key Principles to live your best life. (
by Carol deLaski | Nov 27, 2013 | Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Sandie Lynch
Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to spend time with friends and family and take time to express gratitude for our blessings. This practice of celebrating for blessings has existed since our creation and was encouraged by our creator. These festivals would last for days and sometimes even a month. Celebration in gratefulness is always a great practice to focus on what is good in our lives and minimize those situations that frustrate or discourage.
With that said, one source of stress is the very fact that Thanksgiving and the holidays always seem to be celebrating with LOTS of delicious foods that are tempting for those who are striving to obtain or maintain a healthy lifestyle. The challenge is the ability to participate and enjoy the foods without feeling like we blown the bank and/or trigger going back into old habits. Some researchers have estimated that the typical Turkey dinner with all the trimmings can provide 3500 to 5000 calories. This is not including any other foods or appetizers prior to the meal.
Another concern is that after consuming such a large meal our activities are usually sedentary; sitting on the couch watching football or lying down to take a nap because of the “food comma” that follows. This could lead to gaining about ½ pound or more. Now that doesn’t sound like much but when it takes the average person 7 days to lose ½ pound it could lead us to feel stuck in the scenario; “Two steps forward, one step back.” Another aspect to consider is biochemical analysis has discovered our activity following a meal can impact how that food is used and stored. For example, when we are sedentary after a meal in excess of our needs we are more likely to store fat, but when we are active after the meal, like taking a walk, our food is used for energy instead.
The question lies, how can we get through Thanksgiving and the Holidays without gaining extra fat and frustration by the very foods we are celebrating with?
Here are a few strategies to consider or maybe try some of your own.
- Set up the Meal Buffet Style separate from sitting. Eating family style with the bowls of food sitting in front of us increase the likeliness of second servings without thinking. When we have to make the conscious decision to get up for that second helping we may find we don’t really want it and decide against it.
- Don’t deprive yourself of your favorite foods. Studies show that when we do, it usually triggers us to over eat later when our will power is low. Go ahead and enjoy, just make the portions smaller.
- Use smaller plates. We tend to eat 30% more food if given a larger plates or bowls. Therefore, set out smaller plates for the meal; try 9 ½ inch plates verses the typical 11 ½. You may even consider doing this on a regular basis as part of your healthy lifestyle.
- Drink plenty of water. The Thanksgiving meal is usually high in carbohydrates and carbohydrates need water to metabolize. Therefore, drinking water helps the body be more efficient. Also, water can help wash out flavors from your mouth that are “calling you” to get more.
- Engage in fun activities that require movement using the meal for energy. Play a game of Wii, or a game of touch football in the yard, or maybe take a walk. Even just getting up and moving during commercials can help use that food.
- Laugh! Tell stories or play games that are silly such as Pictionary or Charades. As I shared in my blog: Laughter is Incredibly Good Medicine laughing 100 times is equivalent to 10 minutes on a rowing machine or 15 minutes on the stationary bicycle.
- Embrace Balance. Don’t be discouraged if the Thanksgiving meal leaves you feeling like a sack of potatoes. One meal does not need to be the trigger to sabotage your wellness goals throughout the holidays. Remember that every meal is an opportunity to balance the ones not in alignment with your goals. Don’t sweat it or beat yourself up, just balance it, for this is truly the path of living a balanced life of “Wholistic Wellbeing!
Summary: Thanksgiving and the Holidays are a time of celebration and fun. Choose to embrace strategies that create balance in self-care, health, and overall Wholistic Wellbeing. Finding steadfast balance is only done after learning to stay standing on shaking ground. For when we embrace balance to feel our best and live our best life. Celebrate, Enjoy, Balance, and Thrive!
Today’s author: Sandie Lynch MS, RDN, LDN, Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, Personal Development Coach and CEO of ATP Consultants, LLC. Sandie provides private coaching and group fitness classes sharing 5 Principles to Attain Top Performance in living your best life at any age!
by Carol deLaski | Sep 11, 2013 | Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Personal Development, Sandie Lynch
I’m sure we all can think of a time when we were in the middle of a dispute and felt some resistance in finding settlement. There is a saying that always comes to mind that causes me to pause before proceeding when agreement seems like a struggle, “people don’t care what you say until they know how much you care.” This saying has helped shape my thoughts and words on many occasions to help resolve matters. This makes since when we consider most individuals are motivated by emotion and not by compliance. Understanding how the decision is beneficial is helpful, but the key to change is “emotionally” wanting it!
Sometimes these disputes can be within when considering life changing decisions such as career, getting married, divorced, or even when embracing healthy habits such as following a nutritious diet and exercise plan to have a healthier life. We all know the research shows that a nutritiously poor diet and a lack of activity can rob years from our life and keep us from experiencing our best due to low energy and increased risk of illness and disease…especially heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women starting in our 40’s. So why do we continue these behaviors if we know they lead to negative outcomes? Although, we may want the result of making healthy changes we are emotionally tied to the very behaviors we feel we should stop. As we attempt to make healthy changes, many questions run through the mind. “How will this impact my life and relationships? Will I like the change? What will I miss out on? What will I gain in return?” Friends and family may also be involved with suggestions and recommendations, maybe with words of encouragement, and/or even strong direction of what they believe is in our best interest. There are many things to consider and sometimes deciding what voice to follow, especially when emotionally tied, can be a challenge, almost like a war within.
Consider this, when we unknowingly engage in activities that are not in alignment with what is best for us, deep within we may feel a sense of unsettledness or emptiness and unconsciously try to fill this hole with unhealthy things, such as relationships, behaviors and food. As with every decision the only one truly living with the outcome is the one making it. Yes, sometimes decisions impact others, and this is the very reason why being in alignment with one’s true authentic self will manifest the best result for all. This alignment creates a sense of peace, loyalty, and commitment to the behaviors and activities that follow to support the decision. Without this alignment, a lack of commitment exists and inconsistency is usually the result. Many times this causes “self-blame” to rear its ugly head and make us believe we have no will power or are lacking in some way to make the change happen. This lie can eat away at our confidence and resolve.
So how do you find this peace and alignment in a decision when it feels like a tug of war within? Listen and follow your heart! The heart is much more than a muscle that pumps our blood throughout our body. Within the book, Heart-Centered Leadership by Susan Steinbrecher and Joel B. Bennett, Ph.D. they describe the heart as the communication center of the body and the home of our soul and/or authentic self. The heart is where spiritual communication and true alignment happens. It makes sense when we consider all emotions are felt within the heart especially love. The heart was made for love and it seems that love drives all other emotions; for example, in the absence of love we feel anxious, lonely, broken, rejected, and maybe even lost, but in the presence of love we feel excitement, happiness, joy, and peace. Authentic self-care for the heart and body stems from the heart for it desires what is best for us and seeks this above all else in love. As we realize how much it cares to lead us to our best, we may feel drawn to reciprocate this love and WANT to listen to its guidance being emotionally tied to STOP the war within.
So, take time to listen to the quiet voice within your heart, follow its guidance, and realize the amazing benefits in all areas of life as you discover true alignment and peace as you Care for the Heart!
Join us on September 27th, 2013 for the Wholistic Woman Retreat as we invite you to explore your heart and listen to the voice within to lead you to your best life! Click here for more information and to register.
Written by Sandie Lynch MS, RDN, LDN, Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, Personal Development Coach and CEO of ATP Consultants, LLC. Sandie provides private coaching and group fitness classes sharing 5 Principles to Attain Top Performance in living your best life at any age!
by Carol deLaski | Apr 22, 2013 | Confidence, Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Sandie Lynch
Enjoy these tips from Coach Sandie’s BYOB: Get the “Skinny” on a Sassy, Sexy Summer.
Sassy is defined as pert, boldly smart, and/or saucy. Looking deeper, one of the definitions for Pert is Lively; sprightly (full of energy): and in good health.
Isn’t being healthy, full of energy and lively what we all want? When we feel like this, confidence exudes from us and confidence is what the polls say is considered sexy! So when we are feeling “Sassy” we can’t help but be “Sexy!”
I know it is not everyone intention or desire to strive to be what our culture considers “sexy” but what would you say to being able to “turn heads” from both men and women? It is not about attracting a mate but radiating an energy people can’t help but notice!
When we are healthy, full of energy, lively and confident, people want to meet and get to know us better. They want to know our secret! So, what are some strategies to create this type of captivating energy?
The first step is belief. Believing that this is possible and then visualize and dress the part of already being there…feel it, and breathe your confidence; being full of energy, health and liveliness!
Second, create and say out loud daily what you want to create using an “I AM” statement such as, “I AM confident” or I AM strong!” Make it your own and assume the feeling of living life exuding this declaration!
And third, think of the things that will manifest health, fun, and joy in your life and then sow these habits into your life consistently! Replace the things that rob energy and the health you wish to create. Make sure the activities and habits you select create fun, and grow your energy. Our heart, mind, body and spirit want to keep doing things that feel good and bring happiness in life and will avoid things that bring pain. So by doing fun things that create health in your life will make it easy to live a lifestyle that will manifest the vision you want.
Therefore, find your joy and live it every day and you will have a “Sassy, Sexy Summer every year!
For more tips and strategies on creating a healthy body and spirit of joy, please feel free to contact me for more events and programs to start your ATP journey today! 240-439-9927.
ATP Consultants, LLC (Attain Top Performance)
Sandie Lynch, MS, RDN, LDN, CPT
Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and Certified Personal Fitness Trainer.
by Carol deLaski | Mar 13, 2013 | Health, Nutrition, Sandie Lynch
Summer is fast approaching and as the weather warms, our clothes will cover less. Are you ready to uncover? Do you have weight loss goals for the summer? Will you be able to enjoy your summer if you don’t reach your weight goal? Does your body perspective impact your self-image and inner joy? A change in your perspective can help you find your joy and the body you enjoy!
I once believed that I had to get the body I wanted before I could enjoy life or feel good about myself, especially in public. I have found the opposite it true! I discovered that the only way I could get the body I wanted was to love the body I was in, and that joy and a healthy self-image start with understanding the true amazing unique qualities that lie within.
A popular motto is Live, Laugh, Love and I believe they are in the wrong order. Instead I believe Love, Laugh, Live is the journey to a healthy self-image and a life full of joy, and the journey begins with perspective. I know what you’re saying, “I don’t want to love the body I’m in, give me a different body I can love.” I too said this many times.
Let me share just a small segment of the shift that changed everything for me…
My sister use to say to me, “You’re just not normal!” I would just laugh because for most of my life my habit was to try and see things from a humorous side and just laugh off life’s challenges and mistakes (no matter how I truly felt about them). One of my favorite past times is to watch a truly “funny” comedian, who has the ability to do just that, and take everyday events we all have in common, and turn them into hilarious self-reflections. One of the best is Sinbad.
For a time, I lost this “laughing” perspective because life had not turned out the way I thought it should, and found myself in a “dark” dry place with no joy; literally having a “pity” party, with the attendance of one, for 7 years. Not only had a significant relationship ended and found myself completely alone, but I continued to struggle with yo-yo-ing weight most of my life even after becoming a Registered Dietitian and Personal Fitness Trainer. I constantly was berating myself for my lack of discipline to do what I said I wanted to do and accomplish! I considered myself a failure in many areas!
Desperate, I cried out to God to change me; to create His beauty within me and transform my body from the inside out… lo and behold, HE ANSWERED MY PRAYER! The biggest impact was noticed in how I related to my body; my perspective and respect for my body was transforming. Instead of seeing my body for everything that was wrong with it, I began to pay attention to everything that was good and right with my body. This small shift in perspective made living a consistent wellness lifestyle easier until it became who I was, and not what I needed to do. I was no longer tempted by the foods and habits that would always throw me off course; instead I started honoring the “good” parts which in turn created more “good” parts. I was free, my joy and ability to laugh at challenges and mistakes slowly returned but this time with a genuine feeling of grace instead of condemnation.
The second place of impact was the blessing of attracting genuine encouraging women into my life; some lovingly known as the Wholistic Woman Coaches, along with others in the Wholistic Woman Community. Meeting and sharing time with these wonderful supportive women inspired me be me, all of me, for I don’t serve the world by playing small but by giving fully to the areas that call me to serve! What I realized was being connected with a positive community has a synergistic impact on everyone involved; all contribute and all receive!
Turning 50 this past year and a corner into a new season of life made me realize I am revisiting some joyful seasons previously traveled, but with a new sense of “sassiness” or boldness I have never experienced before. I even shared recently with a few friends of my belief I will be considered eccentric as I grow older. Saying this out loud liberated me knowing I was marching to my own personal drummer playing the rhythm of my choice. This is allowing me to love more deeply, laugh more often, and Live more fully! Something I want for every woman in my life.
In my travels, I have met many women who are also trapped in a “small, dry” place for various reasons, but one that speaks deep to my heart is how our body perspective can rob our joy, and leave us living a life that is not ours to live, and sometimes causes us to put “living” on hold until we reach where we feel we should be. It is my passion to share tips and/or strategies I have learned to help others find their way and free the person trapped inside an outer image that fails to reflect the beautiful woman inside. The old saying goes, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Let’s all be the “beholder” of the beauty within and allow it to transform from the inside out!
I hope you will join me at the next BYOB March 27th 2013 as we discuss how to embrace a new perspective and find your own drummer to a healthier life inside and out…
BYOB Session Topic: Get the “skinny” with 10 tips to have a “sassy, sexy summer no matter what you weigh! Session held at Ayse Meze in Frederick, Maryland. Click here to register today!
Today’s author: Sandie Lynch a Registered Dietitian and Personal Fitness Trainer, owner of ATP Consultants, LLC, teaches 5 Key Principles to create beauty from the inside out. Contact Sandie at to learn more about these 5 Key Principles through; ATP 16-8-2 Fitness™ Classes, upcoming workshops, and/or private consulting.