by Carol deLaski | Dec 23, 2011 | Family, Health, Sandie Lynch
We often sing about the joy this time of year brings. Sometimes the words can be empty and the emotion of joy a distant memory or even a highly desirable one that seems unattainable. The Holidays can be very demanding with the high expectations of beautiful decorations, buying the perfect gift for everyone on your list, and attending all the additional events and functions that come in celebration of the various Holidays, this on top of our regular schedule. Then for others it can be a lonely, high stress time as money may be tight and the memory of a loved one now passed leaves a bitter sting during this time.
Whatever it is that brings the added stress, it can definitely be hard to grab onto some “joy.” So what does the word “joy” mean to you and how does it differ from “happy” emotions you experience? Just so we are all on the same page, I am not speaking of happy times, such as an evening with friends when the laughter is abundant, or when you laugh a good “belly laugh” watching a funny YouTube® clip someone just shared. I’m talking about joy that comes from within no matter what the circumstance you find your life in. Experiencing true joy and having a joyful spirit is very different than having happy times that can be fleeting. It is a feeling or maybe even something bigger than a feeling that surrounds you in radiance, lets describe it as a “glowing.” This joy swells from the inside, like when someone who cares wraps a warm blanket around you on a cold chilly night, it warms you to the core. And, just like that blanket, when you share it, others feel the warmth as well. A joyful spirit is contagious and can affect anyone around you who is open to experience it.
So, where does a joyful spirit come from, and how can we allow it to grow and then to “glow?” A great place to start is counting our blessings. I know, sometimes it may be hard to bring anything good to mind, but when we actually start, it is usually surprising how many things may show up; such as health, family, friends, a warm dry house, plenty of good food, the list can be endless when we get started. By embracing the mindset of a grateful heart, this action alone can start a spark that grows that “glowing joyful spirit,” especially when we acknowledge the source of the blessings. Some call it the universe, others call it a higher power, I call Him, God. This acknowledgement causes our world to grow bigger than “self” and allows us to see the miracle of life around and within us. Yes, you are a miracle, and much thought went into the specific gifts, talents, and experiences you would have to be “you.”
Unconditional love, was first given to you by God, and as you accept this gift for yourself in everything; the good, the bad and the ugly, you begin to see all your qualities as good as they move you toward your divine path. If you don’t already, I encourage you to believe you were created for a purpose, and that purpose is to touch the lives of others in “your” unique way. Only you can be you! Therefore, begin each day by counting your blessings of being you! What qualities do you recognize that creates joy within you as you share them with others. Embrace these qualities and allow them to shine without fear! By embracing the real you and letting it shine, you begin to step into unconditional love for yourself and this alone can be freeing; to give up trying to be anything you’re not and not to step into expectations or demands of others that don’t fit you. Just show up and be you! This begins the “glow” and then there comes a time to “pay it forward” and allow your joyful “free” spirit to pour out as love for others with the same grace and gratefulness you have found for yourself. Let your light shine and joyful spirit glow, as you embrace everything that makes you, you!
Today’s author: Coach Sandie Lynch is a Registered and LicensedDietitian/Nutritionist. She obtained her Masters in Public Health Education with a certification in Healthcare Administration in 1999 and is a certified Fitness Consultant and Personal Trainer. Sandie also has fitness certifications in Aerobic Instruction and Pilates. Her services include; nutrition education/consultation, fitness training using the ATP™ approach, wellness lifestyle coaching, public speaking, workshops and wellness retreats. Contact her today at [email protected] to start your journey to Attain Top Performance! Or visit
by Carol deLaski | Jan 3, 2011 | Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Sandie Lynch

Is your environment making you fat? Well, ok, maybe not existing in your environment, but there could be “triggers” in your environment that may be sabotaging your success for a healthier you!
Have you ever seriously considered what are the “triggers” that send you into a ‘tailspin” (no pun intended) from your best “laid out” diet or fitness plan? How many times have you made a New Year Resolution (as many of you are doing now) to lose weight, get fit, or just eat better, and by February or, if you’re lucky, March you are back to your old habits?
Have you ever wondered why it is “just so hard” to stick to something new even when it IS what you really want! What is keeping you from being successful?
“Triggers” for sabotage can come in many forms. What are yours specifically? Come to our Wholistic Women mini retreat session “Eat, Drink, and Be Merry” and find out!
I know for me, it was when someone noticed I had lost a little weight, it was like the “approval” I needed to “let up a little” and before I know it….“BAM” back to my old habits within a day or two, and the weight seemed to “JUMP” back on with force, like jello! (get the visual? :))
Seriously, there are many reasons we don’t do what we say we want to. Attend the “Eat, Drink, and Be Merry” Wholistic Women Retreat mini session on January 12th, 2011, from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm and you will receive valuable information on what are the most common and potentially dangerous “triggers” for sabotage, and then be coached on discovering your “triggers” and guided in creating an environment of success!
Still not convinced you have “triggers” that sabotage your success and the need to eliminate them?
Some “triggers” could actually surprise you, like the fear of success. “What??? No Way!!!” You say, “how could someone be afraid of being successful in the very thing they want; like feel better, look better and live better? That is absolutely preposterous!” No, HONESTLY, this is a “trigger” for some and for more than you think, it could actually be yours!?! Wouldn’t you like to know if it is?
Another “trigger” could also be what and when you eat! Now, I know what some of you are thinking, “ok here’s the catch, this is another one of those diet plans where you have to eat certain foods at certain times. Been there done that!” Sorry, not in this program, we just want to help you be successful with something that will actually work for you. Although, many individuals are not aware how much power the food we eat possesses, and how certain nutrients at specific times can actually help avoid times of weakness and temptation, especially when “willpower” is NOT enough! When you learn how to eat, when to eat, and what to eat, you will gain the power to overcome the vulnerable “hunger trigger!”
Learn how to enjoy your food and put an end to the “love/hate” relationship you have with food and your body. We are created to enjoy life and “Eat, Drink, and Be Merry!” Start this year! Come to the Wholistic Women Retreats mini session and start eating with joy and eliminate the “triggers” that steal it! Learn how to design the environment that will create the success you want.
Come hungry for self-awareness and leave EMPOWERED and JOYFUL!
In Joy…. Sandie
Sandie Lynch, Registered Dietitian
Go to Wholistic Woman Retreats for specific location and details and Sign up today!
by Carol deLaski | Oct 24, 2010 | Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Sandie Lynch
Food Addiction? How do we stop eating when we need to eat?
Have you ever been eating a bag of chips and think “I need to stop” as you reach in to grab another handful? How about when eating out you unbutton your pants so you can get more in?
Excess weight is one of the biggest contributors of acute and chronic disease and premature death. What causes us to keep eating when we know we “should” stop? Certain foods cause us to lose control, and inhibit our ability to stop. Also, the combination of certain ingredients trigger the pleasure centers of our brain to keep us “chowing down” although we fear we could be at risk of exploding if we don’t stop soon :/. These ingredients when combined in such a way overrides the center in the brain that says, “this is not good for me and I want to stop” but instead says, “this is too good to worry about that now, another bite would be good.” Studies have shown this combination of ingredients trigger the same centers of the brain of Cocaine and other addictive drugs. Thus the question….have we made food our next addiction of choice?
Is there anything we can do to break the addiction when we still need to eat? At least with other addictions one can stop cold turkey and eliminate it. What can we do about food? Is there hope? Yes, indeed! Participants of the “Food is Love….or IS it?”session will learn what foods to avoid and what foods to prepare and eat that say “Love” in reality! Learn what foods Harvest your Best Self! See you at the retreat! (