Rejoice in the Process!

Rejoice in the Process!

5 Steps to help you find peace, joy and the ability to rejoice in whatever you are going through.

When we feel challenged by a situation, a person, and or a hardship, probably the last thing we think about is rejoicing. But what if we were told that for every difficult situation we moved through we would win money, and that the more difficult the situation the more money we would win; up to a million dollars for each challenge we successfully faced and moved through. How would this change how see challenges? I can imagine that knowing this beforehand may make each new challenge more exciting, and may make it be something we look forward to verses an energy drain.

Now, unless this is a game show, it is unlikely money will be our motivating factor to face our difficulties with excitement, but it is possible to see our biggest challenges as opportunities for positively impacting our lives, and that these challenges could actually lead us to more money, greater happiness, exceptional success, everlasting peace and joy.

Many moons ago, I can remember I was extremely discouraged about a challenging time at work, and a dear friend who was being supportive suggested I consider this – when I find myself stuck or experiencing the same difficulty over and over again or maybe even a “season” of  struggle, that it may be that “life” is trying to teach me a lesson. She also suggested that until I learn that lesson, I would continue to experience this difficulty over and over and over, until I finally got it.   Therefore, I could continue to repeat the process, stay stuck, and feel frustrated or “look for the lesson” and move on. Ever since this conversation, I have kept this in mind, and looked for the lesson “life”, or as I see it, God was wanting me to learn. As I have practiced being the observer over the past 15 years, it is getting easier to embrace peace and find patience as I “look for the lesson” through difficult and challenging times.

Now I find myself joking with my friends, that it time to look for “learn the lesson” so that I can get the heck out of this mess and move one. The truth is, the biggest lesson I’m learning is, as I “look for the lesson,” I’m having more fun and joy laughing at myself throughout the process. I have to admit, not all situations lend themselves to rejoicing, but when much of it is outside of my control, and I find myself trying to gain control or change something I can’t change, I have to laugh and eventually decide that it is best to sit back, look for the lesson, and enjoy the ride…finally…Rejoice in the process! I have come to a place where I have realized, life is too short to agonize through tough times, and because there will be many, I don’t want to live the majority of my life to feeling drained and stressed.

Here are a few tips and beliefs that have helped me find peace, joy and the ability to rejoice in the process, I pray they help you if you are in difficult place right now.

  1. Embrace that each difficulty or challenge is allowed into our life for a greater good, something we can’t see but trust that it will show up later, like the money concept above. Trust that “life” or God knows what we need and this difficulty is moving us in the direction we need to go. Often we see this in hindsight, but don’t consider this during the dark or difficult days.
  2. See discomfort as the alarm that tells us something needs to change or “not so good stuff” will show up later, therefore TURN NOW! Sometimes we can be so hard on ourselves and expect way too much or be on the insanity cycle; expecting different results, but doing the same thing. Feeling pain, fear, anxiety, humiliation, are strong emotions that are signals to take notice that there is a lesson to learn! Instead of running or trying to control the situation, see it instead as the alert to avoid greater harm in the future, and embrace a new way.
  3. Give Yourself Grace and don’t expect more than you do. When feeling inadequate to handle the situation, that’s when we are being pulled to forces outside ourselves to ask for help from others and our higher power or God. Evidence show, reaching out to others lowers our stress hormone cortisol and increases our oxytocin, our love hormone to help us to feel calmer during hard times. We are designed for relationship and this is where the best outcomes show up. Think about it, when we help others, it feels great. Trust there are people just waiting to help! Reach out and feel the love! The burden is always lighter when shared.
  4. Trust in the process and believe there are no mistakes! We are exactly where we need to be to learn the next life lesson. If you are like I was…a little stubborn, the process may be slower than desired. But believe me, we are being pulled, guided, and motivated toward our greater good. Learning is like a foundation, it has to be built before the beautiful house we want to live in can be built. By accepting each challenge as an opportunity for positive growth, we expand our wisdom in what we are here for and wisely move toward living our best life by living in our designed purpose.
  5. Rejoice in the process! Look for the lesson, the connection, and or the open door that leads toward your best…otherwise, what is the alternative? May you live with more peace, joy, and rejoice through each difficulty, anticipating the good around the corner!!

Today’s author: Sandie Lynch MS, RDN, LDN, Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, and Wholistic Wellbeing Coach. Owner and CEO of ATP Consultants, LLC. Sharing 5 Key Principles to Attain Top Performance in living your best life at any age!

Check out ATP Fitness to “Kick-Start” your 2015. Learn, practice, and embrace the strategies that will build Wholistic Wellbeing for life!

Contact Sandie at to find out more!


Embrace a Mindset to Thrive Through the Holidays…

Not just survive!

The Holiday Season is upon us. Will you thrive or survive? For many the holiday season may be a source of cheer, joy, love, and connection, others may feel a lot of stress, and then there are some who may barely “survive” the whole process.

What contributes to all the stress?

There could be feelings the loss or being disconnected from loved ones and/or having sadness over broken relationships. Having unrealistic expectations set by others or even on you. A busier schedule is typical with decorating the house, gift buying and wrapping, extra social events, and preparing special meals and treats, leading us to eat richer foods more often. Therefore, the busier schedule, high expectations and rich food is a recipe for high stress and maybe even a wellbeing disaster.

What is the mindset that leads to increased stress and possibly a “wellbeing” meltdown?

Look over the following list of self-talk. Do you find yourself saying any of the following?

  • If I don’t do it, it won’t get done.
  • I have to do _______, it’s what everyone expects.
  • I need to do _______I don’t want to disappoint or upset anyone I have to do it this way, its tradition!
  • I’ll get rest when its done!
  • I’ll start an exercise plan and eat better starting in January.
  • I don’t have time to do what I want or need, everyone else comes first

If you answered yes to any of the statements above, consider embracing a mindset to thrive in “Wholistic Wellbeing” and not just survive this holiday.

  1. I am a divine being created to enjoy this Holiday.
  2. Only my creator and I know what is best for me.
  3. An “Attitude of Gratitude” is a great gift to share.
  4. The best things in life are free!
  5. You are enough, anything more is just stuff.

Now equipped with a Mindset to Thrive…

  • Determine what is most important and let the rest go!
  • Be Realistic of what is possible to accomplish in normal daytime hours.
  • Communicate openly your new plan with those it may affect, invite and enlist others to take on what you are “letting go.”
  • Embrace healthy habits throughout the Holidays
    • Do fun exercise 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes to lighten your mood and increase your energy. The result will be a sharper mind, more tone, strength and increased confidence for those social events.
    • Eat healthy, choosing 5 fruits and vegetables a day, lean meats, low fat dairy, and whole grains and legumes daily. You will optimize your metabolism, immune and digestive system, keeping you light on your feet, full of energy, and help keep the weight off ensuring you feel great in those holiday clothes
  • Limit rich foods and extras to 1 day a week and then “get it out of the house” so you’re not tempted to “munch” the rest of the week.

The Holidays are a time for love and connection, why not start with you!

Do more than survive…Thrive!

Written by Sandie Lynch MS, RDN, LDN, Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, and Wholistic Wellbeing Coach. Owner and CEO of ATP Consultants, LLC. Sharing 5 Key Principles to Attain Top Performance in living your best life at any age!

Check out ATP Fitness in January to “Kick-Start” your 2015. Learn, practice, and embrace the strategies that will build Wholistic Wellbeing for life!

Contact Sandie at to find out more!


4 Reasons to Get Your Beauty Rest and Slow the Aging Process

We all age and depending on how we live we can either speed it up or slow it down! I plan to slow it down, therefore, I am constantly looking for natural ways to do just that.

I can remember my mom saying, “I never feel old until I look in the mirror.” I too feel young, but when I look in the mirror I see the signs of aging. The habits I held in my early adult years have taken their toll; sunbathing, poor diet, and inadequate sleep.

Until a few years ago, I continued to rob myself of sleep because there were just not enough hours in the day to get everything done – at least I thought. Then I started to review the research on the design of sleep and discovered I was accelerating my aging and decreasing my productivity by living sleep deprived. Needless to say, I now make every effort to get adequate rest!

Free Anti-aging Solution!

Do you invest in creams, lotions, and supplements, and/or other anti-aging products to stay feeling and looking younger? You may find your best solution may be between the sheets.

Sleep is the body’s mechanism to repair, replace and reboot our cells, tissues, and memories. We all have probably felt and seen the ill effects of a poor nights sleep in our performance and in the mirror, but it also throws the body into stress mode and instead of using our food to optimize health and productiveness it begins to breakdown and alter metabolic processes just to survive.

Benefits of Sleep and How it “Slows the Aging Process:”

  • Sharper Mind: Dementia or memory loss is a common sign of aging. In 2009, researchers determined that brain events, called “sharp wave ripples”, are responsible for consolidating memory. These “ripples” also transfer learned information from the hippocampus to the neocortex of the brain, where long-term memories are stored. Sharp wave ripples occur mostly during the deepest levels of sleep, therefore, lack of sleep disrupts this process and contributes to impaired cognitive processes; decreased focus, alertness, ability to reason, problem solve, use good judgment, remember the days activities, as well as what was learned. No wonder I couldn’t get things done!
  • Fewer Health Problems: Many chronic diseases are the result of inflammation in the body. Lack of sleep increases inflammation and our risk for developing heart disease possibly resulting in heart attack, heart failure, heart arrhythmias, hypertension, stroke, and diabetes. Studies have shown getting at least 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep provides optimal health, lowers risk of chronic disease, and increases our likeliness of living our longest and best quality life. Alternatively, our risk of dying by a serious accident increases when sleep deprived, as well as our risk of dying by a chronic disease. Dying of Cardiovascular disease increases by 50% when we get less than 6 hours consistently a night. By all means let’s get our rest!
  • Younger Looking Skin: As we age, our skin becomes thinner and lackluster; showing more fine-lines, dark circles, and puffiness around the eyes. It also loses its ability to hold moisture and protect us from environmental allergens. Lack of sleep accelerates these results by two processes; first, it increases the stress hormone Cortisol, which breaks down collagen, the protein that keeps our skin firm, second, it lowers the release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), the hormone responsible for keeping our skin thick, supple, and impermeable to toxins. Technically, when Cortisol is elevated it breaks down all proteins in the body; it is not choosy, even breaking down muscle tissue including our heart muscle. Cortisol reroutes our energy from rebuilding for optimal health, strength and stamina for survival only. The primary role of HGH is stimulating tissue for building, repair, and replacement, thus with the decreased levels in sleep deprivation, all cell turnover declines, making our skin look dull, and lackluster.
  • Healthier Weight: Studies show lack of sleep increases hunger and appetite, and is possibly related to obesity. Individuals who get less than 6 hours of sleep eat about 500 extra calories a day, this is enough to add 1 pound a week. In a 2004 study, Siebern demonstrated those who sleep less than six hours a day were almost 30 percent more likely to become obese than those who slept seven to nine hours. Siebern says, “Ghrelin stimulates hunger and leptin signals satiety to the brain and suppresses appetite, shortened sleep time is associated with decreases in leptin and elevations in ghrelin.”

Sleep is the best way to ensure the body keeps all metabolic processes in optimal working condition for health.

So are you getting enough sleep?

Signs of sleep deprivation include sleepiness throughout the day especially after a meal, needing stimulants such a coffee or tea to stay alert, noticing decreased energy, ability focus, and memory recall, resulting in lowered productivity and living a full active life.

Set Yourself Up for Adequate Beauty Rest:

  1. Plan! Determine how many hours you need to feel rested and stay on a schedule. Go to bed each night at the same time.
  2. Wind down and relax: 30 minutes prior to bed turn lights down and electronics off. Electronics: TV, computer, and cell phones use “blue light” which simulates “Day” keeping you awake longer and prevents the increase of melatonin, which induces sleep.
  3. Keep it Dark and Quiet: Any light or noise interruptions during the night may trigger you to awaken. Use a sleeping mask or room darkening curtains or blinds. Use white noise to keep sound consistent throughout the night.
  4. Avoid Beverages and Large Meals before bed: To stay asleep keep beverages and meals to earlier in the evening, at least 3-4 hours for meals and 1-2 hours for beverages before bedtime. Eating and drinking too close to bedtime hinders the body’s ability to enter into deep sleep cycles and may easily awaken you to go relieve yourself.

Have you ever thought how old you want to be and what your life will look like as you age?

What are you doing to ensure your vision becomes a reality?

I don’t profess to foretell the future, but I’m planning to live to be 105 years old. God may have different plans and that’s ok, but if this is His plan too, all I can do is make the days I have left on this earth my best! I invite you to join me.

My philosophy in my “Wholistic Wellbeing” coaching business; ATP Consultants, LLC is to share 5 Key Principles to “ATP.” The ATP stands for Attain Top Performance in Life. Once I learned in college, “ATP,” adenosine triphosphate, is the body’s source of energy; I wanted to have a business by the same name. I love positive, joyful energy and plan to have plenty of supply throughout my life. My journey is live to “ATP” in life! Therefore, I love to learn and share the amazing qualities of the body in helping us do just that when we honor it with what it needs to perform its “TOP”…especially as we grow older. Get your beauty rest to feel and live your best!

What will you do differently to ensure that you “ATP”(Attain Top Performance) in life?

Written by Sandie Lynch MS, RDN, LDN, Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, and Well-being Coach. Owner and CEO of ATP Consultants, LLC. Sharing 5 Key Principles to Attain Top Performance in living your best life at any age!


3 Beliefs to Find Peace in the Midst of Chaos

There are no guarantees that life will be serene and/or everyday will be smooth sailing therefore, the only thing we can control is our reaction to the inevitable bumps in the road. As a child, I can remember urging my mom to drive faster on certain roads so that I could feel my stomach drop as the car bounced over the bumps. I found fun in the unexpected.

As I grew older, it was harder to find the fun in the unexpected, especially when things seemed to be spinning out of my control. I would feel anxious, frustrated, and peace was nowhere in sight! Life eventually seemed to be no fun at all and finding any trace of peace was almost hopeless. My journey led me to seek life coaching which challenged me to evaluate my beliefs that created my discouragement. Gandhi said…

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

Over the past month, where I work full time, my employer has been going through significant changes! Leaders have left, bosses have changed, and many individuals find themselves stressed out and on edge as new expectations are on the horizon. As I reflect on the past few years, I am grateful for the internal transformation that now provides me with peace in the midst of all the chaos.

Below are 3 beliefs I have adopted for keeping my peace:

I am not in control and so “Let go and let God.”
The belief that there is little I have control over, has been one of the most freeing beliefs I have adopted. Many experiences have reinforced this truth. By trusting that there is a higher almighty Being, who I call God, who sees the big picture and has a ultimate plan for my highest good, gives me permission to live for today doing my best and let tomorrow’ worries up to God.

There is a life lesson in every trial.
A friend once encouraged me to see every life challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow. And, when frequently experiencing the same challenge over and over, maybe it is God trying to teach me a lesson for my greatest good. Therefore, by looking for the lesson and taking the opportunity to grow from it, the challenge no longer seems like a struggle but a riddle to solve, putting more fun in the process.

Others’ perceptions of me does not define who I am.
When tension is high, it is likely for us to react in fear, frustration, and anger, and even speak from this perspective. I have come to learn, when others dismiss my input or criticize and condemn me in a condescending manner, to step away from the encounter. Take time to compare and reflect on the other’s behavior and/or words against who I know I am and my true intentions for good. Additionally, consider my words and actions to determine if I may have contributed to the situation and “own” my part. Then make efforts to communicate clearly the truth of my intentions, apologize for any wrong I contributed, and attempt to rectify the situation. If after this, the others choose to keep a false view of me and/or my intentions, I let it go. I no longer feel the need to defend or prove them different and return to my first belief; “Let go and Let God!” We cannot change others only ourselves.

By embracing these 3 beliefs, they continue to enlighten me as my life unfolds with each new experience. My transformation continues through many facets; a personal relationship with my higher power (God), life coaching, enriching content to stretch my views, and lots of self-reflection.

I hope what I have learned encourages you to challenge your beliefs for a more peaceful life in the midst of your chaos! Get started by joining Wholistic Woman Retreats for our next retreat “Be Courageous” our annual physical challenge as we Zip, Swing, and Leap out of our comfort zone on July 15th. For more information click here.

Today’s author: Sandie Lynch, Registered Dietitian, Personal Fitness Trainer, and “Wholistic” Well-being Coach. Sandie is the owner and CEO of ATP Consultants, LLC where she teaches how to Attain Top Performance through 5 Key Principles to live your best life.


Create Energy Synergy for Success

Have you ever set a goal with good intentions only to realize that weeks later you have made no progress?

I know this has happened to me plenty of times. It wasn’t that I decided I didn’t want my goal any longer or it wasn’t worthwhile because it was. In fact, many of these goals I have now accomplished, but it was like, at the time, there was something inside me fighting against my desire. Literally, a voice encouraging me not to do it; every time I set the intention to work on my goal a little voice inside whispered… “I don’t feel like it.” Maybe the reasons I didn’t pursue my goal were I wanted to do something more fun, or I wasn’t sure how to get started, and/or maybe it seemed just too big. No matter what the reason, I was feeling powerless to get started and instead listened to the little voice inside and postponed my joy of accomplishment.

Have you ever pondered how much energy you waste by having “debating” conversations with yourself?

Who knows! Imagine for a moment how much time and energy you could save and accomplish by eliminating these debating conservations. How would the course of life change?

Below are 3 strategies to create more energy and build synergy within, and move you toward your goals and success.

Power Pose: Research by Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist, showed that our body language not only impacts those around us but also impacts ourselves. Our energy and hormones for stress and power influences our posture and vice versa. When we feel powerless, our stress hormone cortisol is up and our body takes on a closed posture; slumping, arms crossed, curling in a ball. When we feel powerful, the hormone testosterone is high and our body is in an open posture; chest out, arms open and up in a “V” or on our hips standing tall. Cuddy showed that in just 2 minutes by taking on a certain pose we influence the level of our hormones which in turn shifts our energy. During her research, when individuals adopted “power” poses their testosterone increased and cortisol decreased, making them feel more energized, confident, and willing to take risks. When individuals took on “low power” posture poses, their testosterone decreased and cortisol increased, and the individuals felt stressed and shut down. She found that, “our non-verbals govern how we think and feel about ourselves.” Watch her complete discussion of her research on Ted-Talk https://home/wholisu6/

Eat for the Mood You Want: Based on the research it appears that highly processed foods, saturated fat, and sodium can increase the tendency for sadness, discouragement, depressed moods and even decreases the desire for activity. Although, more research still needs to done, they do know that certain foods change our brain chemistry and affect our desire to move and/or how motivated we feel. Below are just a few foods to include in your life to ensure you are feeding your body and brain for the mood that creates a desire to move and live!

  • Healthy Carbs!  It appears that a low carb diet can reduce the desire to move and exercise in just 2 weeks. Carbs are the preferred fuel source for the brain and our muscles. Carbohydrates also increase serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, known as the mood regulator. The best carbs to increase energy and our mood are whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, and foods that are nutrient dense and have high fiber; those that take some time to chew, and digest… not ones we drink or melt in our mouth.
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids affect the neurotransmitter pathways in the brain and protect against depression, improve mood and the ability to find solutions to life’s difficulties and challenges. Great sources for omega-3s: fish, flaxseed, avocados, walnuts and many other nuts and seeds. Adding at least 2 ounces of nuts in your day and fish 2 to 3 times a week increase feelings of happiness and motivation for action.

Go for the Burn! Exercise changes our brain. It not only increases oxygenation in the brain it also increases the growth of brain cells in the area of learning and memory. Research has demonstrated improved problem solving, creativity, and memory recall after just 10 minutes of activity. Studies have shown that exercise is the most effective method to decrease fatigue and increase energy over power medications. When we make our exercise challenging, the burn releases endorphins to block the pain and provide a “feel good” feeling. It also increases other mood enhancing neurotransmitters in the brain such as dopamine, nor-epinephrine, and serotonin.

So next time your set your mind to accomplish something, don’t stop there, create energy synergy for success by assuming a posture to increase your power and confidence, eat healthy foods for improved energy and motivation for action, and move in challenging ways to create a brighter mood, increase creativity, and develop problem solving solutions for success.


Today’s author: Sandie Lynch MS, RDN, LDN, Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, Well-being Coach. Owner and CEO of ATP Consultants, LLC sharing 5 Key Principles to Attain Top Performance in living your best life at any age!


Find Strength in Connections

Find Strength in Connections

Find Strength in Connections

To Self, A Higher Being, and Others in Love and Faith

Love was definitely in the air at our recent “Be Strong” Wholistic Woman Retreat with Mountain Memories at ThorpeWood in Thurmont, Maryland.

Fifty-two women convened in a beautiful mountain lodge for the soft launch of Coach Carol deLaski’s first book, Lost and Found. The day’s events centered on discussions on how to find inner strength through love and faith.

Coach Carol started the day by giving everyone a complimentary copy of her book and explained that her book was not just about her journey to inner strength, but was written to encourage every reader to discover his/her own inner strength through self exploration of love and faith with the help of the coaching questions found at the end of each chapter.

The morning breakout on Discovering Love was facilitated by Coach Carol and Coach Sandie Lynch.  The discussions explored how false beliefs can get in the way of finding true love and keep us small in the world. So many of us believe it is selfish or wrong to focus on ourselves for self-care, but the truth is that only through self-care can we become strong enough to care and love those around us fully and completely without resentment.  Activities demonstrated how to listen to the inner voices from the heart, mind, body, and spirit which call us to take better care of ourselves, and how to shift negative energy to positive by changing our thoughts, words, body position, and movement. It was explained how the body is designed to give us inner strength when it is properly nourished with self-care, including simple activities like laughter and embracing someone, which releases oxytocin, the “love” hormone, that makes us more resilient to stress. The breakout ended with everyone sharing the love they found through the power of moving to music and releasing the “love hormone” as they reached out and embraced their neighbor.

Lunch expanded on the concept of the importance of self-care with a delicious healthy lunch catered by Canapes and a hilarious skit presented by Coach Kelye Rouse-Brown, affiliate Coach Pat Herber, Wholistic members Linda Brennan and Kim Klemencic in which they became fictitious honorary wholistic women, “Missy” and “Flow.” Coach Sandie facilitated the skit as she and the rest of the retreat participants encouraged Missy and Flow to try various self-care ideas (watch on the Wholistic Woman Retreats Youtube channel)

The afternoon breakout facilitated by Coach Carol and Coach Laura Hall started with a “Faith Walk” as participants were trusting a partner to guide them through an obstacle course.  This continued the journey of finding inner strength by questioning faith in a higher power and how it guides us through life.  What some call coincidence, is really divine intervention guiding us to where we are destined to be and learn what we need to learn. Each participant was encouraged to question what they believe in and where they find faith, finding their truth for themselves.

The closing message was delivered by Kath Schnorr as she shared the source of her inner strength through devastating life challenges of delivering, raising, and loving a child with Down Syndrome and losing everything she owned in the Colorado fires last year but realizing everything she needed she still had. She now is recognized as a pillar of strength by her community as she leads other women to find their strength through group support called “Women with Roots.”  Recognizing we all have roots, the key is where we are planted.

The retreat finished with a joyous social with more great food by Canapes, wine, and lots of hugs, as women finally departed taking with them a greater understanding of how to find inner strength though love and faith thanks to Coach Carol’s inspiring book and the contributions of the other Wholistic coaches.

In summary, it was a fabulous day and the glow continues as I reflect on the day’s events and connections.  The day taught us our inner strength grows and glows as we discover and connect with “roots” to our source of love and faith; and experience this love, peace and joy as it flows to self, our higher power, and finally to others in our lives.

Look inside and discover where the inner voice is calling you and experience the love, joy and peace available as you grow your inner strength.

Get connected with the Wholistic Woman Retreats community and coaches and discover what is waiting for you.

Upcoming events are ATP Fitness where Coach Sandie teaches how to shift energy for motivation and results starting March 31st, Breakfast Workshops with Coach Carol, and many other events to help you discover your best self.


Today’s author: Coach Sandie Lynch, MS, RDN, LDN. Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, and Well-being Coach. Owner and CEO of ATP Consultants, LLC where she teaches 5 Key Principles to Attain Top Performance in life at any age.
