What is a Labyrinth?

A labyrinth can be many things to many people. It may be used for relaxation, meditation, healing, spiritual guidance, reconnection within, awakening of creativity, self –empowerment, decision-making, celebration, and simply for the fun of it.It’s important to note that it is a spiritual practice and is not a magical tool. The process can be done as often as we like for body, heart, mind, and spiritual well-being.

It’s important to note that there is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth. A basic approach is to quiet the mind and open the heart. It has sometimes been called “body prayer” or walking meditation as we let go of thinking and move with intention. There is only one way in, and one way out. It isn’t a puzzle or maze to be solved so we can disengage from mental activity and simply be present.

It may be viewed as a metaphor for life’s journey – the path inward represents letting go of the cares of the world; the center is the place of transformation and illumination; the journey out represents the integration of the new self with the old as we seek to be whole.

How do I walk a Labyrinth?

There are several parts to walking a labyrinth which you may consider as you approach your experience. Feel free to adopt what feels best for you. Honor your own process.

Before you begin:

Consider how you want to feel the ground beneath your feet and decide if you will walk with or without shoes. At the entrance to the labyrinth, pause and open your senses as you center yourself with a few deep breaths. Acknowledge your coming meditative or spiritual journey with the labyrinth by perhaps closing your eyes, saying a prayer, bowing your head, waist, or knees and set the intention for your walk.

Possible Intentions:

  • Why am I here?
  • What physical, emotional, or soul need brings me here today?
  • What do I need to let go of at this time to manifest the next step in my life?
  • What do I need to bring into my life to take that next step?
  • Ask for clarity on an important matter in your life.
  • Ask for guidance in making an important decision.
  • Ask to be awakened to the resources you need to manifest your soul’s desires.
  • Harmonize with the energy of the labyrinth.
  • Honor yourself for following your soul’s journey.
  • Express gratitude for all that you have.
  • Ask for nothing. Just listen.

Begin your Walk Inward:

The first step sets the pace for your walk. It can be fast or slow depending on your intention. Are you being spiritual, reflective, mindful, playful, creative, or something else? If you’re problem solving, your walk becomes a meditation when you surrender all your problems and just walk. Other parts of you have now a chance to process your request of a solution. If you are very upset: fast walking releases those emotions easier. Most people try calming their mind by taking slow and deliberate steps.

Many use the inward journey to the center as a “letting go” – a quieting of the thoughts, worries, concerns, ‘what ifs’, and to-do lists. Try to keep your mind open, and release thoughts each time they arise. Concentrate on the placement of one foot before the other and rhythmic, gentle and regular breathing.

If the intention of your walk is to solve a problem, walk as if you didn’t have the problem…let it go. Surrender to the activity of attentive walking. Let your burdens fall off your shoulders and allow the various parts of your being to process your wish for a solution. Let it incubate and try not to interfere or direct a solution. Let go of any expectations.

If you’re walking for a spiritual connection or to seek creative inspiration….again, let go of expectations and surrender to the experience of mindful walking.

At the Center:

The rosette in the middle is where you ‘let in’ the answers and blessings that are meant for you. Pause at the center of the labyrinth for as long or short as you like. You may stay here awhile in the posture of your choosing; stand, sit, lay down, do a yoga pose, bow, reach your hands upwards….whatever feels best for you. You may want to say a prayer, reflect, meditate, listen for answers and deeper revelations, or express gratitude depending on the intention of your walk. Take all the time you need as you move through your inner process. Quietly receive what is meant for you.

Walking Outward:

When you are ready, accept what you have received, and begin walking deliberatively outward. Allow the insights and gifts you’ve been given to integrate into your heart and soul. As you move back into your life be empowered by the connection you have received through your body, heart, mind and spirit. Invite it to transform your life and move you along your path to wholeness. Express gratitude for what you have received in the way that feels best to you.


When you exit the labyrinth you may want to continue walking, reflecting and praying, or take time to sit and journal about your experience. Do what you need to absorb the benefits of your experience.

If labyrinth walking interests you, you are invited to experience it with the Wholistic Woman community on Oct 4th when we will take a day trip to Bon Secours Retreat Center. You will have the opportunity to walk the labyrinth, in the way that is best for you. Afterwards, there will be time to explore the grounds and enjoy the Peace Garden and a picnic lunch with this supportive community of women. Click here for details or write to [email protected]


Today’s author: Carol deLaski, PCC, is a speaker and coach who provides Strengths-Based Development Programs for individuals and businesses. She is also the author of Lost and Found: Discovering Strength in Love and Faith. You may contact her at: [email protected]
