We’re always hearing about the benefits of exercise, hydration, and healthy eating.  I think we can all agree that these are some of the key ingredients in a healthy life.  I also believe that fun and meaningful connections are key ingredients as well.  They are food for the soul and help us lead our best lives.

When life gets busy, finding time for fun and meaningful connections become even more important.  These are not optional ingredients… they are key ingredients! When we don’t have enough, we can feel sad, lonely, overwhelmed and isolated.  Sometimes it’s the small pleasures that keep moving us forward each day.

Being part of a book club is one of those small pleasures for me.  I love to read and enjoy it, even more, when I can share the joy of a well written, insightful book with others who have also read it.  It’s like a delicious meal or a really amazing movie – they’re always better enjoyed with others!

I especially like to read non-fiction personal growth books.  The non-fiction book clubs that I’ve been a part of have helped hold me accountable for putting what I’ve read into action.  I also really enjoy gaining insights from what the other book club members have to say.  Different perspectives are always enlightening.

I’ve recently discovered the benefits of virtual book clubs.  These are groups that meet through technology instead of in person.  A VIRTUAL book club  is a great option when life is busy or geography is an issue – you can join your book club Zoom call easily and from anywhere at all, including your vacation, with your comfy clothes on, sipping a cool drink on your deck, make-up off, and hair pulled up in a ponytail, if you’d like!  All you have to do is connect on your laptop or your phone and you have an instant book club community! That definitely meets my criteria of a small pleasure!

#1 HAVE SOME FUN!… It’s always enjoyable to get together in a casual setting and talk about a great book!

#2  GAIN NEW INSIGHTS… Book clubs expand your personal views and allow you to gain new insights that you may not have considered on your own.

#3 COMMUNITY AND CONNECTION… Book clubs offer you an opportunity to connect and get to know other women better in your community and beyond

#4  ACCOUNTABILITY… I often buy books that I don’t get around to reading as quickly as I would like.  A book club can create some accountability to finally read the whole book!

Sound like something you would enjoy?  Then you are in luck!

I am excited to announce that Kettell Coaching will be partnering with Wholistic Woman Retreats to launch a Summer Virtual Book Club, beginning Monday, July 29 based on the book, Micro-Resilience by Bonnie St. John and Allen P. Haines.  

Click here for details and registration information

Here’s to a summer of fun, meaningful connections, and simple pleasures!

Today’s blog was written by WWR Partner Coach, Donna Kettell.  Donna is a certified professional coach (CPC) and a master practitioner in energy leadership (ELI-MP). Her certifications were earned through The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), which is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).