Wholistic Woman Retreats (WWR) is a community of women who are interested in personal and professional growth. WWR is run and led by a team of mid-atlantic area professional coaches who provide skillful leadership aimed at teaching and guiding women to greater fulfillment through retreats, workshops, and speaking engagements. WWR has recently added an affiliate coach program to what they have to offer. This program is designed to support professional coaches who want to be part of a supportive, nurturing team. It is also designed to be a place where the woman looking to work with a professional coach can go to find the one that will best fit her needs.

Today we want to introduce you to Donna Kettell. What follows is a question and answer dialog with Donna to help you understand who she is and how she came to partner with us at Wholistic Woman Retreats.

Tell us about yourself…..

I have been blessed with several wonderful roles in my life – mom, daughter, friend, colleague, human resources professional, spiritual seeker, personal growth advocate and coach! All of my roles have shaped who I am today. Like you, I have had challenges throughout my life. However, I choose to be resilient and confident that life is good, and can be extraordinary if I am deeply connected to my faith, and the people and things that bring me meaning and joy! This summer, my son will be 21. The role of mom has been one of my greatest joys, and at times the hardest role I have ever had. My amazing son has grown into someone very special – he is smart and funny and passionate about life and is the kind of person that I would choose as a friend, even if I was not his mom- how much more could I ask for?! I have been a single mom for many years and know the challenges of that and also the rewards. Professionally, I have been a human resources manager for over 25 years. I have focused on employee relations and conflict resolution – skills that I have easily transferred to my coaching career. My friends and colleagues tell me that I am a thoughtful and compassionate listener, and that I challenge them with the right questions and support them with enthusiasm and encouragement. I have also been told that I have an authentic, positive approach and a good sense of humor, even on the most trying days. I became a coach to make a positive and meaningful impact on others’ lives. I have experienced that as a human resources professional in a corporate setting however, I wanted to impact people on a more personal level through coaching. I have grown from working with my own coaches over the years, and I want to be there for others in that same way. I find great joy in partnering with people to assist them create their most exciting, abundant lives.

Why did you decide to become an affiliate coach with Wholistic Woman Retreats?

I became an affiliate coach with Wholistic Woman Retreats because I knew without a doubt that it was the right place for me to be! I had met Carol deLaski in late 2013 and immediately felt a connection with Carol as someone with whom my spirit resonated. I shared with Carol that I reached out to her because after over 25 years in the human resources profession, I had decided to use the skills I had honed over the years in my professional life to focus on being a coach. Carol suggested that I contact iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching), which is the training program that had certified her years before. I completed the six month training program through iPEC in 2014 and became a certified professional coach (CPC) and a master practitioner in energy leadership (ELI-MP). Shortly after my certification, I heard that Wholistic Woman Retreats was looking for affiliate coaches and I knew that this was a community of women that I could add value to as well as one that could offer support to me in my journey as a woman and as a coach.

Have you found your One Word for 2015? If so, what is it and what does it mean to you?

Yes, my “One Word” for 2015 is energize. This word is meaningful to me this year because I truly believe that nothing is impossible to accomplish if I put aside any fears about it and give the goal my attention and energy every day! When I embraced the word energize for 2015, I asked myself when am I most energized? and how do I build that in 2015? I am focused on taking care of my physical body with good nutrition, regular exercise to include yoga and better sleep habits. And perhaps even more impactful from an energy perspective is that I am working on being consistently emotionally and spiritually balanced with meditation and visualization techniques. I have already felt a new sense of empowerment through these techniques. When I feel stuck or a little off my game, I know that meditation and visualization with prayer will help me get back on track now. For me, hope is energizing and knowing that I have the power within me to create a better life every day is very hopeful and motivating!

Our group is for “women on the grow”. Where are you growing? How has your involvement with Wholistic Woman Retreats impacted this?

My greatest growth challenge is putting aside fear and embracing the possibilities that life has to offer. Our Be Brave retreat was very much aligned with this goal for me. Each day I challenge myself to be brave vs. being fearful. What fears challenge me? Well, it depends on the day, but it’s most likely some of the same things you might wrestle with. Perhaps it’s not being good enough in one of my roles, or not feeling like I measure up on some level. The key I have found to putting aside my fears is to remember that I am unique and special and do not have to be what someone else is. I only need to be the best version of me! Visualization coupled with meditation and prayer has really helped me to abandon my personal fears and take positive steps toward accomplishing the things that before now I thought I could not do. I should note that my 2014 One Word was Fearless! So, as you can see, it’s a journey and I continue to be a work in progress every day.

What is a really good piece of advice you’ve received that you continue to use today?

My Dad always loves to say, this life is not a dress rehearsal! That is very meaningful to me – we only get one life and it needs to be embraced with fearlessness, energy and joy! No excuses. I have a pretty ceramic sign in my kitchen that reminds me of this every day. When I embrace the notion of “playing all out” every day, I know I will live an exciting meaningful life without regrets.  

Tell us about your coaching practice…What’s your niche? Who is your ideal client? How can people find you if they’d like to work with you?

My coaching niche is women who want to take their life to the next level of joy and fulfillment. You may have a good life right now. However, deep down you may crave more – you may want to feel less overwhelmed by the stresses in life and desire a life that is extraordinary. However, perhaps you are unsure how to get there or need a partner to help hold you accountable. It would be very exciting for me to be the coach in your corner to encourage you and support you in accomplishing your goal of an extraordinary life. I truly believe that each of us can create that life that we long for, one day at a time!

If you’d like to partner with me to encourage you and support you in your journey toward a more fulfilling joyful life, please reach out to me to talk about it! I offer a complimentary session to anyone who wants to learn more about how we could work together to nurture your vision for your life.

I’d welcome the opportunity to talk with you! Please reach out to me at [email protected] or you can call me at 410-978-3492.
