Hope is defined as a feeling that what is wanted can be had or achieved. Other definitions include…
to cherish a desire with anticipation
to desire with expectation of obtainment
to expect with confidence; trust

Typically when we use the word hope, we are talking about something we want to happen but there may be some varying level of doubt associated with it.  We may not be 100% sure it will happen, right?  

In certain aspects of life, we have greater hope for things to happen than we do in other areas. What causes the differences?  Also, some individuals seem to embrace hope more readily than others.  What may be some of the reasons for this?  Is it experience, observation of others’ results and outcomes, or maybe even deep seated beliefs to bend one way or the other?

How do you find and build hope in your life?  If you want some suggestions below are 10 steps to build and stay the course toward building hope and loving yourself healthy.

10 Steps to Build a Road to Hope

1. Acknowledge where you are and what may have been contributors to the situation.
2. Give yourself and maybe others in your life grace and forgiveness. We can’t change the past only our future.
3. Examine the contributors to the situation and choose the one you have control over and are willing to take responsibility to change.
4. Do research: read books, google, ask others what are some alternatives to get started on this one thing?
5. Pray for the Power of God to assist you with what you need!  He already knows and will bring help when we ASK!  Ask and you will receive!
6. Tell one or two people who you trust and know will be supportive, encouraging, and give a hand to lift you up when you stumble, because you will but the important part is to keep moving forward.
7. Live each day at a time and celebrate your successes.  Note what didn’t work and make modifications and adjustments. It is a success to know what doesn’t work!
8. Remember, small changes make big differences.
9. Create a visual accountability monitoring tool that keeps your progress and accomplishments in front of you.
10. Along the way….Be Kind ALWAYS… to yourself, just as you would be to a friend asking for your help!

Here are some things to consider…
What is a situation in which you want to build hope?
What factors have contributed to the situation?
What is the one thing you are choosing to take responsibility to do differently?
Who will be your accountability partners?
When will you tell them and when will you get started on your Road to Hope?

We’d really love to hear your answers!

Whatever it is that you want to accomplish, hope is the first step in moving toward it!  Grow your hope and keep moving…what you want will appear!


Written by Sandie Lynch MS, RDN, LDN, Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, and Wholistic Wellbeing Coach. Owner and CEO of ATP Consultants, LLC. Sharing 5 Key Principles to Attain Top Performance in living your best life at any age!

Check out ATP Fitness to “Kick-Start” your 2015. Learn, practice, and embrace the strategies that will build Wholistic Wellbeing for life!

Contact Sandie at [email protected] to find out more!
