I excelled on the fast-track by constantly looking for ways to embrace and contribute to the bigger picture.  Taking an interest in the bigger picture is what helps advance careers in any field, especially as an industry leader or entrepreneur.

Do you know what differentiates you as someone who truly excels among your colleagues? If you’re seeking to make an impact in your next role, or even in your current position – perform your job well, exude confidence and develop your personal brand as a leader.

Your personal brand is your unique promise of value.  It separates you from your colleagues within your industry.  Development of your personal brand is about understanding yourself and knowing what makes you unique and different.

Today, competition for top jobs has become more and more challenging. Therefore, distinguishing yourself and managing your brand is important for achieving your professional goals.

• Differentiate yourself from your peers – Find ways to confidently express your unique attributes while at work.  This can be done by staying true to your authentic work style such as being organized, creative, innovative or confident when carrying out assignments.

For example, the Apple brand is known for innovation, therefore, resourceful employees at Apple find solutions to challenges by innovating their way out of predicaments.

• Create opportunities and get results – Try something new and expand your comfort zone.  Rise to the challenge on a side project or new initiative and go above and beyond.

Rather than waiting for an opportunity to come to you, realize that it’s up to you to take action. Use networking within your organization to look for ways to work cross-functionally with other teams and identify new projects outside of your role that you might be interested in, and volunteer to take on that project as a way to stand out.

Discover problems in need of solutions that align with your expertise and be a brand builder who embodies your brand as an asset and investment in your future.

• Get noticed and be known for something specific – Use your skills, emotional intelligence, talent and energy to shine at work.  Become your best advocate and know how you bring value to your company.

As a former human resource leader at Nordstrom, opportunities arose where there were two or more opposing views. My strength in negotiation would result in two (or more) parties satisfied with the outcome, which is not often easy to achieve. I became known for finding acceptable middle ground.

Be original, and play to your strengths. How well do you understand the differentiated value you deliver at work as your most powerful asset to serve others distinctively, stand out and excel professionally?

Written by Heather Nunley, Business Coach and Personal Brand Consultant at Brilliance Work Consulting.  Heather can be reached via email at heather@brilliancework.com
