Group/Corporate Retreats

Educate | Engage | Motivate

 Are you ready to jump-start your team to the next level?

Imagine how effectively a motivated, engaged team could achieve the goals of your organization. Choose one of our proven retreat programs to further develop your staff and motivate them to be their best.

We deliver educational and experiential retreats rich in groundbreaking concepts, tools, and practices that are designed to develop strong teams and vibrant leaders.

Self-awareness is the key to being successful leaders and team members. Our programs teach tools designed to increase the consciousness of you and your team. Benefits include: 

  • Greater confidence 
  • Improved decision-making 
  • Effective communication and feedback 
  • Team cohesiveness and engagement

The programs listed below can be delivered by our certified coaches as one or two day retreats and/or as introductory topical workshops:

Strengthen Your Team 

Strong teams work together best when members are consistently using their strengths. Excellent managers know the strengths of their group. Using Strengths Finder 2.0 Assessment (Gallup) we identify and understand individual and team talents in order to build acceptance, cohesiveness, and complementary partnerships. This is a great retreat which increases team confidence and provides a framework for members to understand, and work with, differences.

Inner Strength Building Retreat

How do we develop inner strength and resilience to overcome the challenges and adversities of life? This faith-based retreat is led by Carol deLaski, author of Lost and Found: Discovering Strength in Love and Faith. Using a self-discovery process, this program is designed to guide participants to a deeper, personal, understanding of what makes up their inner strength. Signed copied of Lost and Found available for each participant.

Raising Energy Retreat

How do you manage toxic energy in the workplace…or in our communities? This retreat teaches a 7 level framework to both understand, and transform, negative energy to the positive. Your team will become high energy leaders who don’t let the small stuff get them down. Each participant will receive a copy of Energy Leadership by Bruce Schneider.

Action Learning Retreat

Introductory program designed to develop individual leadership competencies while your team solves real problems. This experiential retreat teaches and applies the action learning process to actual challenges that your team currently faces. A relevant, realistic, and transforming tool for the development of your organization.

Financially Fearless Retreat

Financial Coach Jane Helm leads this transformational retreat to help your group identify and learn to overcome their financial fears and to improve their inner money game by changing their financial mindset. They will learn to identify the source of their money anxiety and how to take effective action to begin building financial confidence and courage.

Daring Way Trilogy

Put the principals of Brene’ Brown’s research into practice with the expertise of our Wholistic Retreat Team led by Certified Daring Way Facilitator Laura Hall. Choose one, two, or all three of these interactive programs to apply and integrate these groundbreaking concepts with your group using the support of a team of certified coaches.

Wholeheartedness Retreat

Learn the 10 guideposts to wholeheartedness to cultivate more authenticity, self-compassion, resilience, gratitude, joy, creativity, intuition, faith, calm, stillness, meaningful work, play/rest, and laughter in your team. This retreat is based on The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene’ Brown.

Courageous Leadership Retreat

Your team will learn the how to let go of perfectionism and the fear of what others think; how to deepen their sense of self-worth and believe that they are enough; how to quiet their inner critic; see vulnerability as courage, not weakness; and to understand the relationship between vulnerability, scarcity, shame, and comparison. This retreat puts into practice the principles found in Daring Greatly by Brene’ Brown.

Building Resilience Retreat

We all fall down at times. Some falls are big and knock the wind out of our sails while others are smaller. Both can teach us valuable lessons about resilience. It’s not so much if we will fall but when we do fall…what happens next? At this retreat participants will learn and apply the 3 step Rising Strong process, based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown.

Schedule a call to design a customized retreat program for your organization.