“The sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar it’s tomorrow…” sang Little Orphan Annie in the musical we all know and love.

That spunky little girl looked to her spirit to find that source of inspiration and faith that better days were around the corner, despite being orphaned, poor and virtually abandoned. Her inner source told her that things would change.

She had that ability we so often envy in others: the ability to tap into knowing something to be true without being able to taste or touch it.

We, too, have Little Orphan Annie’s ability– if we learn to tap into our font of hope, our spirit. The source of that is defined differently for all of us; and the way we access it is unique to each of us as well. Have you a clear sense of where your spirit source is and ways you can feel it? Prayer, meditation, walks in the outdoors, journaling—all these are paths to connection with our spirit.

There is no magic or inherent DNA that gives us this ability to emerge from dark clouds when it is difficult to see beyond the immediate horizon. Yet practicing the identification of the right time to seek our spiritual source is key. We’ll discuss ways to know that the time has come – like the good feeling you have after exercise when you weren’t even sure if  you wanted to get up off the couch – to tap into your spirit even when it seems furthest away, in a workshop you can experience at the spring Wholistic Woman Retreat, entitled “Spiritual Awakening”.   The workshop is for all who wish to explore and develop new perspectives on their spirit and faith.

You can practice exercising your spirit muscles in less dire situations, like an unexplained lunch cancellation by a good friend, by consciously consulting your spirit for messages of hope and faith—that teach you to trust that your friend’s action is in good faith rather than jumping  to hasty or negative conclusions about self-worth. Choosing hope, and faith in a small disappointment will help prepare for life’s bigger challenges.
