the-power-of-positive-thinking-becoming-a-positive-exampleWhat is the Law of Attraction?

A simple definition is that the law of attraction is the belief that “like attracts like.” It draws on the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life.

Another way to look at it is to recognize that the universe is made up of energy and that energy is designed to match vibrations. With this perspective, if something has appeared in your life then you have somehow invited it by the energy of the thoughts you’ve been sending out. This is a powerful tool which can be used to consciously invite more positive experiences into your life.

4 steps to practice The Law of Attraction:

  • See it and believe it – use creative methods such as visualization, vision boards, affirmations, lists, and meditation techniques to fully envision what you desire. For example, if you want to find a new relationship, first visualize exactly what you want. Use pictures, drawings or written descriptions of your ideal partner to create a very detailed image.
  • Identify the challenges and/or problem areas that hold you back. Look back over your life and try to understand the lessons life has taught you. Then ask yourself, “Okay, now what do I want to with that awareness?” Use your personal and professional history to gain insight about yourself and purposefully choose to learn from those experiences.
To continue with our example, if past relationships didn’t work out or didn’t make you happy, try to identify what you didn’t like about them. What do you want to avoid in a relationship in the future and what do you truly want in your next one? Then focus fully on what you do want in order to bring change into your life.
  • Remove self-talk sabotage – Self-critical thinking is very common and many of us don’t even realize the negative messages that we say within our own minds. A simple strategy to begin changing your self-talk is to replace the word ‘but’ with ‘and.’ The word ‘and’ is inclusive and empowering so be sure to add it to your vocabulary more often. Another great word to add is ‘yet.’ By focusing your thoughts on “it hasn’t happened yet,” you are tapping into confidence that it will happen one day. Continue to visualize and see the positive result…BELIEVE IT WILL HAPPEN! For example, think and say, “I am now drawing my ideal relationship to me which includes __________ (then fill in the blank with the attributes that you desire). Use your vision board or daily affirmations to reinforce your vision and really see the result.
  • Use your support resources to guide you and keep you on track. Remember to be open to the information that comes to you through the people and things that appear in your life. What you attract may not look or feel exactly as you imagined so have an open mind and heart and check out all possibilities.  For example, pay attention to unexpected messages that resonate with you through books or other reading materials, as well as people and/or events that come into your life. The universe may be sending you an invitation to go somewhere which will the opportunity you need to meet new people. You may just find the relationship you’ve been looking for there!

Once you’ve found that new relationship, remember to continue using this practice. With the law of attraction, we know that whatever we focus on…we will experience more of…and that impacts all of our relationships. If we focus on another person’s good qualities, we will experience more of those qualities. Conversely, if we focus on what we dislike about that person then those will be the characteristics that we experience more of. Keep focusing on the positive!

One final reminder: have patience with this process. There are no guarantees as to how long it will take to attract what you desire so don’t lose faith if it doesn’t happen within your time frame. Trust and believe that what you desire will appear exactly when it’s meant to.

The Law of Attraction is a powerful perspective to adopt. We’ve seen it work in our own lives and we encourage you to try it in yours.

Begin by asking yourself, what do I want more of in my life?

Then take time to really envision it in detail. Believe that it will happen, if not now, then someday in the future.

Stay positive and follow any nudges the universe sends your way…even if it’s not what you were expecting.

Then be sure to celebrate when what you’ve wanted arrives in your life.

Believe that you can attract more of what you want in your life.


Today’s authors: Rena Larkin and Carol deLaski are life and leadership coaches who embrace and live by The Law of Attraction. Feel free to contact them to share your experience with this powerful principle. [email protected] / [email protected]