There are no guarantees that life will be serene and/or everyday will be smooth sailing therefore, the only thing we can control is our reaction to the inevitable bumps in the road. As a child, I can remember urging my mom to drive faster on certain roads so that I could feel my stomach drop as the car bounced over the bumps. I found fun in the unexpected.

As I grew older, it was harder to find the fun in the unexpected, especially when things seemed to be spinning out of my control. I would feel anxious, frustrated, and peace was nowhere in sight! Life eventually seemed to be no fun at all and finding any trace of peace was almost hopeless. My journey led me to seek life coaching which challenged me to evaluate my beliefs that created my discouragement. Gandhi said…

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

Over the past month, where I work full time, my employer has been going through significant changes! Leaders have left, bosses have changed, and many individuals find themselves stressed out and on edge as new expectations are on the horizon. As I reflect on the past few years, I am grateful for the internal transformation that now provides me with peace in the midst of all the chaos.

Below are 3 beliefs I have adopted for keeping my peace:

I am not in control and so “Let go and let God.”
The belief that there is little I have control over, has been one of the most freeing beliefs I have adopted. Many experiences have reinforced this truth. By trusting that there is a higher almighty Being, who I call God, who sees the big picture and has a ultimate plan for my highest good, gives me permission to live for today doing my best and let tomorrow’ worries up to God.

There is a life lesson in every trial.
A friend once encouraged me to see every life challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow. And, when frequently experiencing the same challenge over and over, maybe it is God trying to teach me a lesson for my greatest good. Therefore, by looking for the lesson and taking the opportunity to grow from it, the challenge no longer seems like a struggle but a riddle to solve, putting more fun in the process.

Others’ perceptions of me does not define who I am.
When tension is high, it is likely for us to react in fear, frustration, and anger, and even speak from this perspective. I have come to learn, when others dismiss my input or criticize and condemn me in a condescending manner, to step away from the encounter. Take time to compare and reflect on the other’s behavior and/or words against who I know I am and my true intentions for good. Additionally, consider my words and actions to determine if I may have contributed to the situation and “own” my part. Then make efforts to communicate clearly the truth of my intentions, apologize for any wrong I contributed, and attempt to rectify the situation. If after this, the others choose to keep a false view of me and/or my intentions, I let it go. I no longer feel the need to defend or prove them different and return to my first belief; “Let go and Let God!” We cannot change others only ourselves.

By embracing these 3 beliefs, they continue to enlighten me as my life unfolds with each new experience. My transformation continues through many facets; a personal relationship with my higher power (God), life coaching, enriching content to stretch my views, and lots of self-reflection.

I hope what I have learned encourages you to challenge your beliefs for a more peaceful life in the midst of your chaos! Get started by joining Wholistic Woman Retreats for our next retreat “Be Courageous” our annual physical challenge as we Zip, Swing, and Leap out of our comfort zone on July 15th. For more information click here.

Today’s author: Sandie Lynch, Registered Dietitian, Personal Fitness Trainer, and “Wholistic” Well-being Coach. Sandie is the owner and CEO of ATP Consultants, LLC where she teaches how to Attain Top Performance through 5 Key Principles to live your best life.
