Releasing Anchors to Help You Soar

Do you want to soar in the New Year? As we say hello to a New Year, it’s a great time to release anchors and things that may be holding us back.  It’s a time to reflect upon the things we learned in the past year and the ways we grew.  A time to set new intentions and goals.  A time to forgive and leave some things in the past.  It’s a time to see what habits helped us and which ones did not serve us well.  It’s a time for cleansing, growth, and creation.

While on a business trip over the summer, one of my mentors referenced the concept of anchors and wings.  This stuck with me for a while and it’s something I’ve incorporated into my every day. Something I am focusing on more as we move into a New Year.  It’s the concept of those things that weigh us down and the ones that help us rise and soar.

Where in your life do you see anchors?  They can come in many forms.  It may be a toxic relationship or a bad habit that you haven’t let go of yet.  Maybe it’s the clutter or noise that comes into your personal space or your mindset.  It may be time wasted or time not spent well.  Holding onto those moments where someone hurt you or past failures may be another example.

When we think of nature, think of the reasons why birds are able to spread their wings and fly.  They are able to gracefully soar because they are light and don’t have things weighing them down.  Imagine if you could soar in 2019 with less weight on your back (or in your mind).

As you reflect on where you have come, where you are and where you want to go, think of changes and adjustments that may help you soar higher.


The things we think about often manifest into reality.  How would you view your perspective on life?  Do you find yourself being sucked into drama and negativity?  Do you choose to look at life with gratitude and joy?  The outcome of the two can deliver completely different results.  In 2018, my “one word” was JOY.  It helped me to view things from a different perspective throughout the year.  I also started each day with gratitude and wrote down things I was grateful for, who I would reach out to, how I wanted to serve and better show up in the world.  I recommend looking at how you receive things and what changes you can make to better serve you each day.


We all have the same hours in the day.  This is something we have heard many times and it’s true!  So, how are you spending your time?  Do you feel like you’re using it wisely?  Do you think there are adjustments that can be made to help you soar more?  Are you filling your time with things that are weighing you down?  Things that help you to find happiness, passion, fulfill your dreams and goals and also help you grow.


The past often runs into our present for many reasons.  This may be due to past choices that did not serve us well.  This may be a past relationship that hurt or someone you were with who wronged you.  Whatever it may be, forgiving, learning and moving forward will help you soar.  How we feel about people or experiences of our past can make for heavy anchors.  So many things happen for reasons and ones we sometimes don’t see.  As you move into 2019, what from your past can you let go of, forgive or consider as a lesson and tool to help you soar?

Looking for a resource to help you with the mind/body connection of healing?  This book may help: The Healing Code


This is a big one and something that often can weigh us down.  Consider the people in your life right now.  Do you surround yourself with those who support you, encourage you to soar, help you to show up as the best version of yourself?  This is a big one that I learned in 2018.  I spent the past year cultivating healthy relationships, surrounding myself with GIANTS, created boundaries and said goodbye to things that were not serving me well.  Depending on your situation and relationship, making adjustments may be hard or easy.  Figure out what works for you.  If it’s not serving you well, maybe it’s time to say goodbye or at least create a healthy boundary.


Our lifestyle plays a big part in how much we soar and show up.  I look at life and the wellness wheel from a holistic perspective.  Considering relationships, spirituality, career, movement and exercise, nutrition and nourishment.  Looking at your wellness wheel, what seems off-balanced?  Which category (or categories) can you nurture more to better serve you?  What bad habits and choices are a part of your world that may serve you better to let go of?


The start of a New Year is a great time to reflect on your habits.  Good and bad, we all have habits that are holding us back, weighing on our mind, creating unhealthy energy and don’t serve us well.  This could be anything from keeping clutter, hitting your snooze button many times, eating for unhealthy reasons, spending too much time on social media and more.  I encourage you to reflect on the habits in your life.  What can you let go of and which ones may serve you better?


I want to focus on this topic because it’s something that affects so many and holds people back.  Fear is important for survival.  We have a fear of falling or being hurt.  Yet, fear holds us back and keeps us complacent for many reasons.  We fear failure, success, what people think and more.  Do you feel like you’re living to your potential?  Does fear hold you back from doing so?  Where can you discover ways to grow, be courageous and take chances?  This isn’t referring to being dangerous to the extent of hurting or harming yourself and others.  This is about living outside of your comfort zone, taking chances, learning and growing!

Looking for some additional motivation and mindset shifting?  I’ve always loved the videos on Motivation Grid

So, what changes can be made?  What bad habits and toxicity can be eliminated or distanced?  What better things can be replaced to help us soar and succeed? Change is uncomfortable and not always easy.  Yet, sometimes change is exactly what we need to flourish, grow, become a better version of ourselves and SOAR.

Where do you feel the need to make a change?  I welcome you to comment below or share in a private message.  If you feel like you need additional support or accountability, I welcome you to contact me.