Wholistic Coach
Sandy is an Inspiring Speaker, Passionate Educator, a highly sought after Transformational Coach/Facilitator, Reiki Master, Certified Yoga Instructor and Heartfelt Spiritual Leader. With over 25 years of experience mentoring and cultivating thriving, positive relationships with children, adults and families, Sandy has become an expert in providing a loving, safe space for her clients to shift beyond their limiting beliefs and find deeper meaning and purpose in their lives.
We are excited to include Sandy among our Wholistic Coaches in Sedona, AZ. She resides in Sedona and has partnered with us since 2020. Sandy develops trusting relationships through compassion and provides a sacred container where you blossom and thrive by connecting with your own divinity, gracefully moving through life’s challenges to embrace the authentic self. Her transformational energy draws on her gifts of intuition to foster healing, connecting to self love and awakening to life’s possibilities.
On her own journey of a deeper spiritual self discovery and connection to her inner strength, Sandy has evolved her yoga practice with individuals and groups, which now offers a restorative dimension and a calming of the nervous system. She enthusiastically shares a wide range of wisdom to support humanity into a heart centered wholeness in her coaching and facilitation practices. Her love of nature has fostered a deep presence of going beyond normal limitations and promotes many “wholistic” modalities into her practice, including performing individualized and group sacred ceremonies, which she performs at our Soulful Sedona destination retreats.
Through the Brave Thinking® technology and Feminine Power coaching/facilitation certifications, Sandy is helping clients achieve extraordinary results in accelerated time – helping them transform their lives by closing the gap between the life they were living and a life they absolutely LOVE living. Sandy offers content-rich, interactive workshops that take participants on a journey in which they design, define, test, and experience a crystal-clear vision of the life they would love – a life that is in alignment with their highest purpose. They will have a unique opportunity to “step into” the life they are imagining and feel a resounding “yes!”